§ 12.50.090. Permissible types of newsracks.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Multi-unit Configurations. Except as provided in subsections (B)(1) and (2) of this section, newsracks within areas requiring controls shall be installed in multi-unit configuration newsrack assemblies standard in trade use. Multi-unit configurations shall be permanently affixed to the ground in a manner conforming to standards included in guidelines promulgated by the Chief of Building Services.


    Single-Unit Configurations. Single-unit news- rack configurations shall not be permitted within areas requiring controls except:


    Temporarily on a trial basis to determine the suitability of permanent newsrack placement at a particular location; or


    Temporarily when space is unavailable in existing multi-unit configurations within the area requiring controls; or


    When the number of newsracks at a location identified as requiring controls does not exceed five and placement of the individual newsracks conforms to the requirements of the guidelines promulgated pursuant to the chapter.

    A single-unit configuration shall not be chained, bolted or otherwise attached to any tree, shrub, or other plant, nor attached to any property not owned by the newsrack owner without the consent of the property owner, nor situated upon any landscaped area, and provided further, that the single unit is of a design commonly in trade use.

    In areas requiring newsrack controls, a temporary single-unit configuration shall not be approved for a period of more than sixty (60) days. At least ten days prior to placing a temporary newsrack, a completed newsrack permit application shall be submitted, including written notice of the proposed location and date upon which the placement period will begin.

    Within ten days after expiration of the temporary placement period, the person maintaining the temporary newsrack shall either cause it to be removed, or submit a written application to the Chief of Building Services for a permit to obtain the next available space in an existing multi-unit configuration at or near the temporary location, or to obtain space in a multi-unit configuration to be newly installed at or near the temporary location. A person may be allowed to maintain the temporary newsrack at the permitted site for up to an additional sixty (60) days upon timely submission of a written application therefor if no suitable permanent newsrack space is available.


    Permissible Height and Arrangement. The height, arrangement and configuration of any newsrack placed within an area determined to require controls shall comply with standards included in guidelines promulgated by the Chief of Building Services. Such standards shall be consistent with the findings, intent and purpose of this chapter.

(Ord. 12004 § 2(part), 1997)