§ 12.50.160. Penalties.  

Latest version.
  • Any permittee, or the owner of an unpermitted newsrack found to be in violation of any provision of this chapter shall receive a notice of violation in accordance with Section 12.50.150. If the same newsrack is found to be in violation seven days from the date that a notification for abatement and/or for removal was mailed, the owner of the newsrack shall be subject to civil penalties in accordance with the provisions of Chapters 1.08 of the Oakland Municipal Code. This chapter may be enforced by the Chief of Building Services or his or her authorized representatives. Each newsrack found to be in violation is considered to be a separate offense. A person found in violation of this chapter shall be entitled to hearing by making a written hearing request within fourteen (14) days of the notice to abate. The hearing shall be provided as specified in section 12.50.080 of this chapter.

(Ord. 12821 § 3 (part), 2007: Ord. 12004 § 2(part), 1997)