§ 12.52.060. Deposit of performance security.  

Latest version.
  • No permit shall be issued, and no existing permit shall be valid, until the holder or applicant therefor shall have deposited with the city a security guaranteeing performance of all of the requirements of this chapter pertaining to sidewalk benches. In the event the permittee shall fail to comply with any of the said requirements to this chapter, the City Manager may cause whatever may be required to be done to satisfy such requirements and shall charge the costs thereof against the aforesaid deposit.

    The permittee may recover the bench if, within sixty (60) days after the removal, he or she pays the cost of such removal and storage. After sixty (60) days, the City Manager may sell, destroy or otherwise dispose of the bench at his or her discretion. All of the foregoing shall be at the sole risk of the permittee, and shall be in addition to any other remedy provided by law for the violation of this chapter.

(Prior code § 6-1.441)