§ 12.52.080. Lawful installation and maintenance.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    No sidewalk bench permittee shall locate or maintain any bench at a point less than eighteen (18) inches or more than thirty (30) inches from the face of the curb, and each bench must be kept parallel with the curb.


    No bench shall be more than forty-two inches high nor more than two feet six inches wide, nor more than seven feet long, overall.


    Each bench must have displayed thereon, in a conspicuous place, the name of the permittee and the permit number, which shall be applied by the permittee and renewed whenever they become illegible.


    It shall be the duty of the permittee to maintain each bench at all times in a safe condition and at its proper and lawful location, and to inspect each bench periodically.

(Prior code § 6-1.46)