§ 12.64.120. Park noise regulation.  

Latest version.
  • No person shall operate, or permit the operation of, any sound amplification system (including portable or car audio equipment) so that sound can be heard fifty (50) or more feet away from the source in any park within the city, except upon the issuance of a permit therefor by the Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs and payment of the fee specified in the master fee schedule.

    Permits issued for the operation of a sound amplification system shall specify the location of any bandstand and the position of each loudspeaker shall be as specified by the said Director so as to minimize, to the extent practicable, the amount of amplified sound to be audible in adjacent residential properties. No loudspeaker shall be permitted to be placed in a public park within three hundred (300) feet of any residential structure. In no event shall a permittee cause amplified sound to exceed eighty (80) decibels at any boundary of the park in which amplified sound is being produced.

    Estuary Park and Duck Pond Stage area of Lakeside Park may be exempted from these requirements if and only if the following findings are made by the Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs:


    The permittee has no prior history of events in parks which includes verified, unresolved complaints of excessive noise, poor security and crowd control, and/or poor parking control;


    The applicant has met and conferred with local residents and developed a specific event plan to meet the expressed concerns of said local residents; and


    The applicant has paid all required fees and deposits for the event in question, and has met all additional regulatory requirements which may apply to the event in question.

(Ord. 11893 § 1, 1996: prior code § 6-3.32)