§ 12.64.200. Boats on Lake Merritt.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Boat Permit. It is unlawful for any person to launch, use, moor or store upon Lake Merritt any private boat unless there shall have first been procured for said boat a permit from the Recreation Commission for such purpose. Said Commission may, by rule, specify the conditions under which the same may be granted, suspended, or revoked.


    Speed of Boats. Speed of mechanically propelled boats on Lake Merritt is limited to eight miles an hour unless special permission to exceed such limit is granted by the Board of Playground Directors.


    Boats in Certain Areas. It is unlawful for any person between the first day of October and the last day of April next succeeding, to row, drive, propel or navigate any boat in, over, or upon any part of the following described area of Lake Merritt:

    That portion of the northeastern arm of Lake Merritt that lies northeasterly of a line bearing north 38° 13′ west from a point on the eastern line of Lakeshore Boulevard, distant thereon one hundred and sixty (160) feet southerly from the production of the entire line of that portion of Hanover Avenue that lies between Wayne and Newton Avenues.

    This subsection shall not apply to the employees of the city properly engaged in work for said city in or upon the above described area and authorized by the Board of Playground Directors or the Board of Park Directors to be thereon.


    Boats and Boat Races. No person shall be permitted to use the shores of Lake Merritt as a landing place for boats, or keep thereat boats for hire or floating boat houses with pleasure boats for hire, or keep boats of any kind in Lake Merritt, except under a permit from the Recreation Commission for such purpose, and only at places designated by and under restrictions and regulations promulgated by the Board of Park Directors or the Recreation Commission; and no regattas, boat races, or other special events involving the use of Lake Merritt shall take place thereon without permission granted by the Recreation Commission.

(Prior code §§ 6-3.07—6-3.09, 6-3.17)