§ 12.64.260. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words and phrases, whenever used in this article, shall be construed as defined in this section:

    "Director" means the Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services or his or her authorized representative.

    "Musical or other entertainment" means and includes the playing of any musical instrument and the use of sound amplifying device.

    "Parks" means and includes all grounds, roadways, avenues and parks of the city, or any part, portion or area thereof.

    "Permit" means a permit for use of parks as provided for and defined in this article.

    "Persons" means and includes persons, associations, partnerships, firms or corporations.

    "Private event" means any event conducted in any city park consisting of twenty-five (25) or more patrons that is not open to the public, including but not limited to picnics, birthday parties, family, church and school events or related activities, and may include amplified or nonamplified sound.

    "Special event" means any event that is open to the public, including but not limited to rallies, concerts, fundraisers, fairs, exhibits or related activities, and which is more specifically defined in Title 9, Chapter 9.52 of the Oakland Municipal Code. "Special event" permit requirements shall apply to park events, so that the permit process for special events in Chapter 9.52 applies to this section and is incorporated by reference herein.

(Ord. 12131 § 1 (part), 1999; prior code § 6-8.02)