§ 12.64.330. Right of appeal.  

Latest version.
  • For a permit application to hold a special event in a park, the reconsideration process as provided for in Title 9, Article 9.52.90 shall apply, whether the decision from which the appeal is taken is made by the Chief or by the Director of PRCS pursuant to Section 12.64.291.

    An applicant whose application for a park use permit for a private event has been denied or any person claiming to be adversely affected by the issuance of a park use permit for a private event may appeal the decision within five working days of the decision. The appeal shall be heard before the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission (PRAC) pursuant to the hearing and appeals process adopted by that body. The decision of the PRAC shall be final.

    Upon receipt of such appeal, the Director shall set the appeal at the next available Park and Recreation Advisory Commission meeting, The Director shall give notice to the appellant and any known adverse parties, or their representatives, of the time and place of the hearing.

    The appellant shall pay the fee established by the current city of Oakland master fee schedule.

(Ord. 12131 § 1 (part), 1999: prior code § 6-8.09)