§ 13.02.010. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this chapter:

    "Building sewer" means the sewer or sewers defined and described in Chapter 13.08.

    "City" means the city of Oakland.

    "Engineer" means the professional civil engineer, licensed to practice engineering by the State of California, designated by the City Administrator to manage the city's sewer system.

    "Private sewer" means a pipe, conduit or channel, not maintained by the city, used to carry sewage.

    "Public sewer" means a pipe, conduit or channel, maintained by the city and used to carry sewage.

    "Sanitary sewer" means any building sewer, private sewer or public sewer used to carry sewage.

    "Sewage" means water carrying waste from residences, commercial and industrial establishments, or any combination of such wastes, but excluding storm water when conveyed in a separate storm water system.

    "Sewer System" means either the entire network or a portion of that network of publicly and privately maintained pipes, conduits, channels, manholes, pump stations and all appurtenances thereto, under the jurisdiction of the city, used to collect, store and transport sewage.

(Ord. 12886 § 1 (part), 2008)