§ 13.04.060. Sewer service charge fund.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The fund theretofore established and known as the "sewer service charge fund" is continued. All moneys received from the charges established by this chapter shall be deposited in such fund. The moneys in this fund shall be used only for the payment of the costs in connection with acquisition, construction, reconstruction, relocation, maintenance, operation, and repair of the sewer facilities of the city and for the administration of this chapter; provided, however, that the moneys in said fund shall not be used for the acquisition or construction of new sewer facilities in unsewered areas.


    The moneys received from the charges established by this chapter, after deposit in the sewer service charge fund, shall be distributed as follows:

    At least ninety-five (95) percent shall be for the sanitary sewer system; and, up to five percent shall be for the storm sewer system.

    The intent of this provision is to have the distribution made on the basis of the amount collected. For accounting purposes, the division of moneys collected may occur at the time that such moneys are deposited in said fund. However, the establishment of separate funds or accounts shall not be required.

(Prior code § 6-7.06)