Chapter 13.08. BUILDING SEWERS  

§ 13.08.010. Purpose.
§ 13.08.020. Definitions.
§ 13.08.030. Application.
§ 13.08.040. Building sewers and building sewer connections—Permit required, to whom issued, exceptions.
§ 13.08.050. Form and conditions of the permit.
§ 13.08.060. Notice of commencement of work.
§ 13.08.070. Emergency work.
§ 13.08.080. Authority of the Director of Public Works.
§ 13.08.090. Revocation of permit.
§ 13.08.100. Emergency abatement, dangerous condition.
§ 13.08.110. Reimbursement to city—Responsibility determined after repairs made.
§ 13.08.120. Responsibility of property owner.
§ 13.08.130. Use of public sanitary sewers.
§ 13.08.140. Prohibited use of public sanitary sewers and any private sanitary sewer or building sewer discharging, directly or indirectly, into said public sanitary sewers.
§ 13.08.150. Prohibited uses generally—Wastewater.
§ 13.08.160. Additional prohibited uses—Waters and wastes.
§ 13.08.170. Additional prohibited uses—Excessive volume.
§ 13.08.180. Additional prohibited uses—Radioactive wastes.
§ 13.08.190. Special agreements.
§ 13.08.200. The right to limit discharge.
§ 13.08.210. Sampling structures.
§ 13.08.220. Right of entry—Suspected dangerous and insanitary condition.
§ 13.08.230. Right of entry—Inflow/infiltration correction program.
§ 13.08.240. Dangerous and insanitary sewer conditions—Order to abate—Sewers not subject to the inflow/infiltration correction program.
§ 13.08.250. Dangerous and insanitary sewer conditions—Order to abate—Sewers subject to inflow/infiltration correction program.
§ 13.08.260. Dangerous and insanitary sewer condition—Notice of hearing, hearing, and appeal.
§ 13.08.270. Notice and hearing of dangerous and insanitary sewer condition—Confirmation of proceedings, abatement, prospective notice of lien.
§ 13.08.280. Expense of mandatory abatement against property.
§ 13.08.290. Notice of lien—Mandatory agreement.
§ 13.08.300. Expense of voluntary abatement.
§ 13.08.310. Notice of lien—Voluntary abatement.
§ 13.08.320. Failure to make payments.
§ 13.08.330. Notice of lien—Emergency work.
§ 13.08.340. Connection to public sanitary sewer required.
§ 13.08.350. Repair of lower lateral required—Right of the city to construct private laterals at city's expense—Inflow/infiltration correction program only.
§ 13.08.360. Two-way cleanout required—Point of discharge in public right-of-way.
§ 13.08.370. Test-wye required—Point of discharge in easement.
§ 13.08.380. Two-way cleanout test-wye not required.
§ 13.08.390. Two-way cleanout required—Reduction in size of building sewer.
§ 13.08.400. Two-way cleanout required—Replacement of existing building sewers or portion(s) thereof.
§ 13.08.410. Two-way cleanout required—Rehabilitation of existing building sewers or portion(s) thereof.
§ 13.08.420. Connections to public or common private sewers to be made in presence of Director of Public Works.
§ 13.08.430. Manholes required.
§ 13.08.440. Common private sanitary sewer.
§ 13.08.450. Each building to have its own sanitary sewer—Exception.
§ 13.08.460. Temporary building sewer connection—Revocation.
§ 13.08.470. Permission to use existing building sewers—Uncovering for inspection purposes.
§ 13.08.480. Damaging existing building sewer—Authority of Director of Public Works.
§ 13.08.490. Abandonment of existing building sewers and sewage disposal facilities—Exception.
§ 13.08.500. Inspection and testing—Building sewer permits.
§ 13.08.510. Inspection and testing—Inflow/ infiltration correction program—Building sewer laterals and common private sewers.
§ 13.08.520. Requirement for standard cleanout fitting, exterior riser, and sewage overflow device adjacent to building—Inflow/infiltration correction program.
§ 13.08.522. Installation and maintenance of sewage overflow devices.
§ 13.08.530. Standards of quality of materials and methods of construction.
§ 13.08.540. Emergency work by city—Notice—Liability for cost of work.
§ 13.08.550. Pressurized building sewer or common pressurized common sanitary sewer.
§ 13.08.560. Rehabilitation of damaged or defective building sewer by sliplining—Exceptions.
§ 13.08.570. Rehabilitation of damaged or defective building sewer by sliplining—Standards and quality of materials and method of construction—Exceptions.
§ 13.08.580. Violations—A continuing infraction.
§ 13.08.590. Enforcement of East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) Ordinance No. 311, Title VIII, Regulation of Private Sewer Laterals.
§ 13.08.600. Building sewer inspection, replacement, compliance with EBMUD Regional PSL Ordinance, and compliance certificates.
§ 13.08.610. Responsibility and standards for maintenance of upper and lower building sewer laterals.
§ 13.08.620. Adoption of the EBMUD Regional PSL Ordinance by reference.