§ 13.08.020. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words and phrases, wherever used in this Chapter, shall be construed as defined in this Section unless otherwise required by the context. The singular shall be taken to mean the plural and the plural shall mean the singular when required by the context of this Chapter. The following definitions will not necessarily apply to other Chapters of this Code:

    "Building sewer" means that particular sanitary sewer which lies between a point two feet from the building or structure it serves, to and including its connection with the sewer system or other point of discharge and which carries sewage and liquid wastes from public or private premises to a public or private sewer system, individual sewage disposal system or other point of discharge or point of disposal.

    "Common private sewer" means any privately-owned and maintained sewer which serves as the disposal point for two or more building sewers. A common private sewer is either a sanitary sewer or a storm water sewer, but it cannot be used as a combination of both.

    "Compliance certificate" means a certificate issued by EBMUD indicating that a building sewer (upper building sewer lateral and lower building sewer lateral) complies with the requirements as set forth in the EBMUD Regional PSL Ordinance, Title VIII and this chapter.

    "EBMUD" means the East Bay Municipal Utility District, Special District No. 1.

    "EBMUD Regional PSL Ordinance" means the East Bay Municipal Utility District Ordinance 311, Title VIII, Regulation of Upper Sewer Laterals, its implementation and any future amendments or modifications thereto.

    "Exemption certificate" means a certificate issued by EBMUD to property owners who can demonstrate that work on the lateral has been completed in accordance with local ordinance requirements within ten years of the period of time set forth in the EBMUD Regional PSL Ordinance.

    "Inflow/infiltration correction program" (also called "I/I correction program" and "infiltration/inflow correction program") means those particular projects being designed, or designed and being constructed, constructed or proposed to be constructed by the City and/or its agents for the purpose of complying with the requirements of that certain order issued by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board and being Order No. 84-67 and any other state, federal, or local legislation related thereto.

    "Lower building sewer lateral" means all that portion of the building sewer lateral which lies within a public right-of-way or lies within an easement granted for the purpose of constructing or maintaining a sanitary sewer or some such other similar purpose.

    "Manhole" means an underground structure large enough to be physically entered by a person for the purpose of inspecting and maintaining a sewer or a portion thereof.

    "New sewer connection" means a connection to a public sewer or common private sewer which has not previously existed. This does not include reconnection, repair, or replacement of an existing sewer lateral either at the same or at a different location. An existing sewer lateral which would be going to a higher use (such as an increased number of dwelling units) would be subject to an increased sewer service charge and/or sewer connection fee for the increase in use.

    "Point of discharge" (also called "discharge point") means that point at which the materials conveyed by a sewer leave a specific section or length of sewer (by design or inadvertently).

    "Point of disposal" (also called "disposal point") means the point at which any material conveyed by a sewer enters any facility for treatment or processing or otherwise leaves the sewer system by design.

    "Point of origin" means that particular point on a building sewer which lies closest to the building or other structure which it serves.

    "Project" means any portion of work including, but not limited to, the repair, construction and/or replacement of parts of the sewer system subject to the inflow/infiltration correction program which are accomplished under a specific project number issued by the City.

    "Sanitary sewer" means any public or private sewer designed and/or constructed for the purpose of conveying sewage or other liquid waste from a building sewer to or toward a point of disposal or discharge.

    "Sewage" means all liquid effluent, including any suspended solids therein, which is conveyed from all types of premises through a sewer system, for treatment and/or disposal, excepting flow from natural drainage and rainfall.

    "Sewer" means any pipe conduit or channel, being either open or closed, the purpose of which is to convey sewage, liquid waste, other liquids or water from a collection point to or toward discharge point.

    "Sewer main" (also commonly called "main sewer") means any public sewer or portion thereof which conveys sewage between the point of discharge of a building sewer and the point of disposal of said public sewer.

    "Sewage overflow device" means an approved plumbing fitting that is installed at the top of an exterior cleanout riser for a sanitary sewer lateral and is activated by the hydraulic pressure of sewage and allows back flowing sewage to discharge over the ground surface and prevents the intrusion of rodents and other vector into the sewer piping system.

    "Sewer system" means either the entire network or a portion of that network of sewers under the jurisdiction of the City and all the appurtenances thereto. This shall include both conveyances for sanitary flow and storm water and other liquid waste flows.

    "Shall/will" means a determinative directive, which includes the ordinary accepted meaning of the word "must."

    "Storm sewer" (also commonly called "storm drain" or "storm water conduit") means any public or private sewer designed and/or constructed for the purpose of conveying rainwater or other waters deposited by natural causes, but not including sewage and wastewater.

    "Upper building sewer lateral" means all that portion of the building sewer as herein above defined which lies within the privately owned property abutting a public right-of-way or easement.

(Ord. No. 13080, § 1, 7-19-2011; Ord. No. 12993, § 3, 2-2-2010; Ord. 12886 § 1 (part), 2008; prior code § 6-6.030)