§ 13.08.110. Reimbursement to city—Responsibility determined after repairs made.  

Latest version.
  • Whenever the location of a malfunction in a building sewer and the responsibility for the protection, repair, and/or reconstruction thereof shall be the subject of dispute between the city and a property owner or owners, the city may proceed to expose such parts of said building sewer as shall be necessary to determine the cause of said malfunction, and said city shall perform all necessary work thereon, and shall thereupon determine the person or persons responsible for said malfunction which said person or persons shall be liable, or jointly liable, respectively, for all costs necessarily incurred by the city in the performance of the work. Provided, however, that before the city undertakes the work herein mentioned, it shall give notice in writing to all persons concerned of its intentions. Provided, further, that the remedy provided in this section shall be independent of and shall not supersede those provisions in this chapter relating to dangerous and unsanitary conditions and to emergency work by the city.

(Prior code § 6-6.130)