§ 13.08.220. Right of entry—Suspected dangerous and insanitary condition.  

Latest version.
  • Whenever the Director of Public Works shall have reasonable cause to believe that conditions which do not conform to this chapter exist in a particular building, structure or premises, or whenever the Director of Public Works authorizes and directs the inspection of all buildings, structures or premises subject to the provisions of this chapter in a defined area of the city, or whenever said Director of Public Works shall authorize and direct inspections of buildings, structures or premises as a part of a routine spot check, duly authorized representatives of the Director of Public Works of the city may enter and inspect any such building, structure or premises to secure compliance with, or prevent a violation of, any provision of this chapter.

    No premises shall be inspected until a reasonable notice is given to the owner or occupant, or to the agent of either.

    The owner or authorized agent of the owner of any building structure or premises may enter the building, structure or premises whenever necessary to carry out any instructions or perform any work required to be done pursuant to this chapter.

    No person authorized by this section to enter and inspect any building, structure, or premises shall enter any dwelling unit between the hours of five p.m. of any day and eight-thirty a.m. of the succeeding day without the consent of the owner or the occupants of the dwelling unit or enter any dwelling unit in the absence of the occupants, except when the structure is in such condition as to place in jeopardy the life or limb of the public, in which case entry may be made at any time.

    If entry is refused, the Director of Public Works or such duly authorized representative of the Director of Public Works of the city shall have recourse to every remedy provided by law to secure entry.

(Prior code § 6-6.210)