§ 13.08.240. Dangerous and insanitary sewer conditions—Order to abate—Sewers not subject to the inflow/infiltration correction program.  

Latest version.
  • The Director of Public Works or the Alameda County Health Officer, or their designee, shall investigate, or cause to be investigated, all dangerous and insanitary conditions existing in or about building sewers or connections thereto. If such a condition is a menace to life, health, safety, or property, or is in violation of law, the Director of Public Works or the Alameda County Health Officer shall, in writing, order the owner of the premises upon which said condition exists to discontinue the use of said sewer, or, when appropriate under the circumstances, to discontinue all construction work with respect thereto, and to abate said condition in such manner as shall comply with the law. Any stoppage in the building sewer or break in the watertight integrity of the building sewer shall be conclusively presumed to be a menace to life, health, safety or property for purposes of requiring abatement of such a condition. The order shall specify the dangerous and insanitary condition, the manner in which the same shall be abated, and the period within which such abatement shall be accomplished. In determining said period within which said owner shall abate said dangerous and insanitary condition, the Director of Public Works or the Alameda County Health Officer shall consider the nature of said condition and its effect on life, health, safety, and property, together with the time reasonably required by said owner to comply with such order of the Director of Public Works or the Alameda County Health Officer. It is unlawful for any owner to fail or neglect to comply with such order of the Director of Public Works or the Alameda County Health Officer. In the event the owner shall not promptly proceed to abate said dangerous and insanitary condition, as ordered by the Director of Public Works or the Alameda County Health Officer, the following abatement procedures will be undertaken.

(Prior code § 6-6.220)