§ 13.08.350. Repair of lower lateral required—Right of the city to construct private laterals at city's expense—Inflow/infiltration correction program only.  

Latest version.
  • Pursuant to the requirements of the inflow/infiltration correction program and for the general public health, safety and welfare, the city is empowered to repair and/or replace for one time only and at the expense of said city, every lower building sewer lateral within the public right-of-way on any rehabilitation project performed on a public sewer main for the purpose of compliance with the requirements of the I/I Correction Program. Such repair and/or replacement and expenses shall include a two-way cleanout or test-wye as required by other sections of this code. This one-time repair in no way abrogates the property owner's responsibility for maintaining his/her building sewer lateral in the future, nor does it obligate the city to perform any future maintenance on said private laterals repaired in compliance with this code section and the hereinabove mentioned program. The hereinabove repair shall include the construction of a two-way cleanout, when required, at the location(s) specified by other sections of this code.

(Prior code § 6-6.231)