§ 13.08.500. Inspection and testing—Building sewer permits.  

Latest version.
  • The Director of Public Works or his or her authorized representative shall make or require such inspections and tests as he or she deems necessary to be made before granting final approval of the work authorized by the building sewer permit. The equipment, material, power, and labor necessary for inspection and test shall be furnished by the applicant.

    All measurements, tests, and analyses of the characteristics of liquids to which reference is made in this chapter shall be performed and determined in accordance with the standards prescribed in the latest edition of "Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Sewage," published jointly by the American Public Health Association, the American Water Works Association, and the American Society for Testing Materials.

    Air Pressure Test. The building sewer may be tested in its entirety or in sections. The test shall consist of measuring the time interval necessary for a loss in air pressure, through a defined range in pressures, from the building sewer. The allowable rate of pressure loss and the detailed test procedure shall be established by the Director of Public Works, and if any building sewer or part thereof shall be covered or concealed before said inspection, testing, and approval as herein prescribed, it shall be uncovered, upon request of the Director of Public Works. Before granting final approval, further inspection and testing will be made after the sewer is backfilled to ascertain all requirements of the Director of Public Works have been met.

    Water Test. The building sewer may be tested in its entirety or in sections. The building sewer will be completely filled with water under a head of five feet at the portions being tested and maintain a constant level for fifteen (15) minutes without further addition of water or showing of leaks. The provisions of this section are not intended to prevent the use of any other building sewer pipe test procedure not specifically prescribed in this section; provided, however, that such substitute test procedure shall be first approved by the Director of Public Works.

    The testing required hereinabove shall not be applicable to laterals for which repair or replacement is required as part of the inflow/infiltration correction program which shall be subject to such testing and inspection as specifically required by that program.

(Prior code § 6-6.330)