§ 13.08.520. Requirement for standard cleanout fitting, exterior riser, and sewage overflow device adjacent to building—Inflow/infiltration correction program.  

Latest version.
  • When the repair/replacement of any portion of an upper building sewer lateral is necessary pursuant to the findings of testing required by Section 13.08.510, an approved standard cleanout fitting, exterior riser, and sewage overflow device shall be installed in the upper building sewer lateral in the vicinity of the building drain.

    The location of the cleanout riser shall be approved by the Director of Public Works or his or her duly authorized representative. This Section shall not apply to any building sewer or private common sanitary sewer which conveys sewage by means of a pressurized line.

(Ord. No. 12993, § 3, 2-2-2010; Prior code § 6-6.322)

Editor's note

Ord. No. 12993, § 3, adopted February 2, 2010, changed the title of Section 13.08.520 from "Requirement for standard cleanout adjacent to building—Inflow/infiltration correction program" to "Requirement for standard cleanout fitting, exterior riser, and sewage overflow device adjacent to building—Inflow/infiltration correction program." The historical notation has been preserved for reference purposes.