§ 13.12.010. Underground wire districts Nos. 1—7 and A—D.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Defined. For the purpose of removing poles and overhead wires and placing all electrical wires and conductors underground, the following districts are designated as underground districts and described as follows:


    Bounded as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of Washington and Eleventh Street, and thence northerly along the west side of Washington Street to the north side of Fourteenth Street, and thence along the north side of Fourteenth Street to the center line of Franklin Street; thence along the center line of Franklin Street to the center line of Eleventh Street, and thence along the center line of Eleventh Street, to the western line of Washington Street, thence northerly to the point of beginning.


    Bounded as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of San Pablo Avenue and Fourteenth Street, thence along the west side of San Pablo Avenue to north side of Seventeenth Street, thence along the north side of Seventeenth Street to east side of Telegraph Avenue, thence along the north side of Seventeenth Street to east side of Broadway Street, thence along the east side of Broadway Street to the north side of Fourteenth Street, thence westerly along the north side of Fourteenth Street to point of beginning.


    Bounded as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Eleventh Street and western line of Washington Street, thence along the center line of Eleventh Street to the east side of Broadway Street, thence along the east side of Broadway Street to the southeast corner of Broadway and Seventh Streets, thence from the southeast corner of Broadway and Seventh Streets along the south side of Seventh Street to west side of Washington Street, thence along the west side of Washington Street to the point of beginning.


    Bounded as follows: All those portions of the following described streets: Franklin Street from the south property line of Seventh Street to the north property line of Fourteenth Street, except such portion of said street as is already included in Underground District No. 1. Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Streets from the west line of Franklin Street to the east property line of Broadway; except that portion of Eleventh Street that is already included in Underground District No. 1. Twelfth Street from the east line of Franklin Street to the east line of First Avenue and Lakeside Boulevard, from the north line of Twelfth Street to the west line of First Avenue. Eleventh Street and Thirteenth Street from the east line of Franklin Street to the west line of Webster Street.


    Bounded as follows: All those portions of the following described streets: Clay Street from the south line of Seventh Street to the southwesterly property line of San Pablo Avenue; Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Streets from the east line of Clay Street to the west line of Washington Street. Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth Streets from the east line of Jefferson Street to the west line of Clay Street; and from the east line of Clay Street to the west line of Washington Street; Fifteenth Street and Sixteenth Street from the east line of Clay Street to the southwesterly line of San Pablo Avenue.


    Bounded as follows: All those portions of the following described streets: San Pablo Avenue, Telegraph Avenue and Broadway from the north property line of Seventeenth Street to the south property line of Twentieth Street; Eighteenth Street and Nineteenth Street from the west property line of Telegraph Avenue to the northeasterly line of San Pablo Avenue.


    Bounded as follows: All those portions of the following described streets: Broadway and Washington Streets from the south line of Seventh Street to the north line of Third Street, Fourth Street, Fifth Street and Sixth Street from the east line of Clay Street to the west line of Washington Street and from the east line of Washington Street to the west line of Broadway, and from the east line of Broadway to the west line of Franklin Street.


    Thirteenth Street from the west line of Webster Street to the east line of Alice Street.

    Fourteenth Street from the east line of Franklin Street to its intersection with the north line of Twelfth Street.

    Fifteenth Street from the east line of Jefferson Street to the west line of Clay Street and from the east line of Broadway Street to the west line of Franklin Street and from the west line of Franklin Street to the west line of Harrison Street when so and as extended.

    Sixteenth Street from the east line of Jefferson Street to the west line of Clay Street.

    Seventeenth Street from the east line of Broadway Street to the west line of Franklin Street and from the west line of Franklin Street to the west line of Harrison Street when so and as extended.

    Nineteenth Street from the east line of Telegraph Avenue to the east line of Broadway Street.

    William Street from the east line of San Pablo Avenue to the west line of Telegraph Avenue.

    Broadway Street from the south line of Twentieth Street to the south line of Hawthorne Avenue.

    Franklin Street from the north line of Fourteenth Street to the south line of Nineteenth Street.

    Webster Street from the north line of Twelfth Street to the north line of Seventeenth Street as such line of Seventeenth Street will be when extended.

    Oak Street from the north line of Twelfth Street to the south line of Lake Street.

    Fallon Street from the north line of Twelfth Street to its intersection with Fourteenth Street.

    Boulevard along the westerly shore of Lake Merritt from Lake Street to Harrison Boulevard.

    Harrison Boulevard from the north line of Twentieth Street to the south line of Twenty-third Street.

    Lakeshore Boulevard from the west line of First Avenue to the west line of Wayne Avenue.


    Jefferson Street from the north line of 13th Street to the west line of San Pablo Avenue.

    Nineteenth Street from the east line of Broadway to the west line of Webster Street.

    Hobart Street from the east line of Broadway to the west line of Webster Street.

    Franklin Street from the south line of Nineteenth Street to the south line of Twenty-first Street and from the south line of Twenty-first Street to the east line of Broadway when so extended.

    Twenty-first Street from the east line of Broadway to the west line of Webster Street.

    Grand Avenue from the east line of Broadway to the west line of Webster Street.

    Twentieth Street from the east line of San Pablo Avenue to the west line of Webster Street.


    Webster Street from the south line of Seventeenth Street to the south line of Twentieth Street.


    Lakeshore Avenue from the southern line of Mandana Boulevard to the southern line of Lake Park Avenue as said southern line exists east of Lake Shore Avenue.

    Lake Park Avenue from the eastern line of Grand Avenue to the center line of Lakeshore Avenue.

    Harrison Street from the north line of Twelfth Street to the north line of Twentieth Street.

    Thirteenth Street from the east line of Alice Street to its intersection with Fourteenth Street.


    Poles and Overhead Wires Prohibited. It is unlawful in any underground district defined in subsection A of this section except District No. 7 for any person to erect, maintain, continue, use, operate, or employ, over or upon the streets or alleys in any of said underground districts, except District No. 7 any overhead wires, overhead cable, device or apparatus by, through, over or by means of which electricity is, has been or may be in any manner transmitted, conducted or conveyed for electric light, heat, power, telegraph, telephone, signaling or other purpose, or pole or other structure supporting the same, or to keep, continue, maintain, use, operate or employ any such pole or any such overhead wire, cable, device or apparatus, and all such poles, overhead wires, cables, devices or apparatus shall be deemed a public nuisance; provided, however, that it shall be lawful to continue the maintenance of a four-span lead for local distribution in the block from San Pablo Avenue to Telegraph Avenue, on Twentieth Street.

    It is unlawful in District No. 7 as defined in subsection A of this section, for any person owning or making use of wires for the transmission of signals or intelligence to erect, maintain, continue, use, operate or employ any pole, overhead wire, overhead cable or device over or upon the streets in said District No. 7, by, through, over or by means of which signals, or intelligence is transmitted. Except that such person may employ distributing poles with their wires, upon or over Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Streets, providing drop wires do not cross Broadway or Washington Streets. A distributing pole is defined to be a pole having one or more passageways connecting it with an underground conduit, and said pole being used for purposes of distribution to consumer's premises only and not having an overhead connection by means of overhead wires with any other pole or fixture.

    It is unlawful in said District No. 7 for any person to erect, maintain, continue, use, operate or employ any pole or overhead wire, cable or device over or upon the streets of said District No. 7, by, through or by means of which electricity is or has been or may be transmitted, conducted or conveyed for the purpose of electric light, heat or power; except that such person may employ a two-span lead with their wires over or upon Fourth, Fifth or Sixth Streets, providing drop wires or line wires do not cross Broadway or Washington Streets overhead. A two-span lead is defined to be a lead of three poles, one of which has connection of one or more passageways connecting it with an underground conduit system or has not more than two wires connecting said lead with any other pole lead. The latter part of the above definition is understood as an extension of the general meaning of the term "two-span lead" put in only to apply to District No. 7.

    It is unlawful in said District No. 7 for any person to keep, continue, maintain, use, operate or employ any such pole or any such overhead wire, cable, device or apparatus except as herein provided, and all such poles, and all such overhead wires, cables, devices, and apparatus as aforesaid, shall be deemed public nuisances except such as are herein exempted from the provisions of this chapter.

(Prior code §§ 6-2.43, 6-2.44)