§ 13.16.160. Hydrology report—When required.  

Latest version.
  • A hydrology report is required to meet the standards of, and requirements established by the Chief of Building Services, if the proposed construction activity falls into Category IV of a creek protection permit or if the proposed activity has the potential to:


    Discharge concentrated stormwater into or connect any stormwater pipe or stormwater channel to a creek;


    Modify the natural flow of water in a creek;


    Cause development within a creek floodway, riparian corridor, or within twenty (20) feet from the top of bank of a creek.


    Deposit in, plant non-native vegetation in, or remove any material from a creek including its banks, except as required for necessary maintenance of creeks; or


    Construct, alter, enlarge, connect to, change, or remove any structure in a creek.

(Ord. 12024 § 1 (part), 1997)