§ 15.26.100. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words and phrases, wherever used in this Chapter, shall be construed as defined in this Section unless otherwise required by the context. The singular shall be taken to mean the plural and the plural shall mean the singular when required by the context of this Chapter. The following definitions will not necessarily apply to other portions of this Chapter:

    "Building Official" means the Building Official of the City, as identified in the Oakland Building Construction Code, or his or her designee, and successors in title.

    "Certified inspector" means an individual possessing a valid certification issued by an approved national organization to perform building or home inspections.

    "City" means the City of Oakland, a municipal corporation.

    "City Administrator" means the City Administrator of the City of Oakland or his or her designee, and successors in title.

    "Critical structural deficiency" means a structural weakness in the first story of the lateral force resisting system of a residential building which has open-front wall lines in the ground-floor that could initiate catastrophic collapse due to seismically induced loading.

    "Ground-floor" means the first story of a building as defined in the Oakland Building Construction Code.

    "Group A," "Group B," "Group M," "Group R," "Group S," and "Group U" means occupancy classifications as defined and used in the Oakland Building Construction Code.

    "Level 1 screening" means an approved non-engineered analysis that is prepared under the responsible charge of a registered design professional or by a licensed contractor or a certified inspector to identify residential buildings which may have critical structural deficiencies.

    "Level 2 evaluation" means an approved engineering analysis that is prepared under the responsible charge of a registered design professional to identify critical structural deficiencies in a residential building.

    "Licensed contractor" means an individual possessing a valid license issued by the State of California to construct residential buildings.

    "Oakland Building Construction Code" means the most current edition of the California Building Code with amendments adopted by the City, as set forth in Chapter 15.04, and successors in title.

    "Owner" means any individual or group of individuals or firm or any other entity holding legal or equitable title to the real property.

    "Registered design professional" means an architect or engineer possessing a valid license issued by the State of California to perform civil or structural related design, material classification and analysis, and structural observation.

    "Residential building" means a building which conforms to the occupancy limitations and density minimums set forth in Subsection 15.26.040 B.

(Ord. No. 12966, § 2, 7-28-2009)