§ 15.35.046. Promoting green building practices in private development projects.  

Latest version.
  • Although the requirements of this ordinance do not extend to private development projects, the City of Oakland promotes the use of green building strategies in private development projects by offering a number of resources and incentives.

    All private development projects in the City of Oakland are strongly encouraged, for example, to take advantage of free services provided by the Oakland Energy Partnership's Energy Efficiency Design Assistance Program and PG&E's Savings by Design Program for the purposes of integrating strong energy efficiency attributes into their projects. Other incentives include free green building technical assistance and grants, green building guidelines, and free public promotion for qualified projects. Other incentives to "green" private development projects are currently under development.

    A resource sheet with more information about these incentives and resources is available at Oakland's Green Building Resource Center on the second floor of 250 Frank Ogawa Plaza, through the Planning Department in the Community and Economic Development Agency on the third floor of 250 Frank Ogawa Plaza, and in the Mayor's office of the City of Oakland at City Hall.

(Ord. 12658 § 1 (part), 2005)