§ 15.35.140. Compliance.

Latest version.
  • A.

    All covered projects initiated on or after the effective date of the ordinance from which this Article derives shall meet the Bay-Friendly Landscaping Scorecard requirements.


    For the purposes of reducing operating and maintenance costs, all City, Redevelopment Agency and Public-Private Partnership Landscaping Projects that do not meet the definition of a covered project but are greater than 2,500 square feet are required to achieve as many Bay-Friendly Landscaping Scorecard points as practicable. The Bay-Friendly Landscaping Compliance Official shall make pertinent information regarding such projects available to StopWaste.Org.


    The City Administrator shall designate a Bay-Friendly Landscape Compliance Official, who shall have the responsibility to:


    Administer and monitor compliance with the provisions of this Article and with any rules or regulations promulgated hereunder;


    Regularly review the project specifications used in bidding covered projects to ensure inclusion of applicable practices specified in the Bay-Friendly Landscaping Scorecard;


    Facilitate the provision to StopWaste.Org of pertinent information regarding all Covered Projects and other Landscaping Projects greater than 2,500 square feet.


    Grant ministerial exemptions to the provisions of this Chapter, as specified herein; and


    Report to Council, at Council's request, on the implementation of the provisions of this Chapter.


    A ministerial exemption from compliance with the provisions of this Chapter shall be granted by the Bay Friendly Landscaping Compliance Official for:


    Any renovation of Landscaping of historical significance, as designated by the City Landmarks Board or the Local Register of Historical Resources; and


    Any installation of turf, both natural and artificial, for the purpose of constructing a sports field or multiple-use field.

    Notwithstanding these exemptions, landscaping projects that include the renovation of landscaping of historical significance or the installation of turf shall achieve as many Bay-Friendly Landscaping Scorecard points as practicable.


    Compliance with the any and all provisions of this Chapter may be waived in unusual circumstances where the City Administrator, at his or her sole discretion, has determined that the public interest would not be served by complying with such provisions.

(Ord. No. 12950, § 1, 7-7-2009)