§ 15.62.030. Funding sources.  

Latest version.
  • The Affordable Housing Trust Fund shall receive funding from the sources set forth below. The Affordable Housing Trust Fund may also receive funds from any other source.


    Jobs/Housing Impact Fees. The Affordable Housing Trust Fund shall receive all monies from jobs/housing impact fees contributed pursuant to Sections 15.68.050 and 15.68.060 of this Code.


    Redevelopment Dissolution Funds. An amount equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of all funds distributed to the City as a taxing entity under the Dissolution Laws, including both one time and ongoing distributions, net of the amount of distributed funds that is deposited with the KIDS First! Oakland Fund for Children and Youth under Section 1300 of the Charter, shall be deposited into the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. The funds subject to this setaside shall include, without limitation, distributions of property tax from the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund ("RPTTF"), distributions of sales proceeds and other revenues from the use or disposition of assets of the Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency ("ORSA"), compensation paid to taxing entities by ORSA, and distributions of available cash assets of ORSA to taxing entities. This policy shall apply to distributions from the RPTTF under California Health and Safety Code Section 34183 starting in Fiscal Year 2015-2016, and shall apply to all other distributions received starting in Fiscal Year 2013-2014. As to distributions from the RPTTF, from Fiscal Year 2015-16 through Fiscal Year 2024-2025, this policy shall apply only to distributions to the City as a taxing entity of RPTTF funds under Subsection (a)(4) of California Health and Safety Code Section 34183, which are residual amounts distributed to the City after all other RPTTF allocations are made, and shall not apply to distributions of RPTTF funds to the City under Subsection (a)(1) of California Health and Safety Code Section 34183, which are amounts distributed to the City that the City would have received as passthrough payments if the Redevelopment Agency had not been dissolved. Starting in Fiscal Year 2025-2026, this policy shall apply to all distributions from the RPTTF to the City as a taxing entity under California Health and Safety Code Section 34183.


    Fines and penalties. The Affordable Housing Trust Fund shall receive fines and penalties received under the Foreclosed and Defaulted Residential Property Registration Program pursuant to Section 8.54.620 of this Code.


    Affordable Housing Impact Fees. The Affordable Housing Trust Fund shall receive all monies from affordable housing impact fees contributed pursuant to Chapter 15.72 of this Code.

(Ord. No. 13365, § 8, 5-3-2016)