§ 15.63.020. Scope.  

Latest version.
  • This policy shall apply to all residential units in housing projects in the City of Oakland that meet all of the following criteria:


    The project has five (5) or more attached or detached units, including scattered site housing projects.


    The units are restricted as affordable housing to occupancy by or sale to very low, low, and/or moderate income households at a restricted rent or sales price.


    The project receives development assistance from the City for new construction or substantial rehabilitation. For purposes of this paragraph, "development assistance" means a grant, below-market rate loan, deferred loan, or a below-market rate lease or sale of real property, and "substantial rehabilitation" means rehabilitation with a level of City development assistance that exceeds twenty-five percent (25%) of the project's after-rehabilitated market value. Projects that receive a density bonus or other incentives from the City under the City's density bonus law shall not be covered unless the project also receives development assistance.


    The development assistance was approved by the City Council or the City Administrator (in the case of programs in which the City Administrator has authority delegated by Council to approve funding assistance) after the date this Chapter was adopted.

(Ord. No. 13379, § 2, 7-19-2016)