§ 15.63.030. Preferences.  

Latest version.
  • Owners of housing projects covered by this policy, along with their management agents, shall give preference, as applicable, to the following applicants for affordable housing units:


    First preference: to displaced households. For purposes of this Section, a "displaced household" means a household in which a least one adult member has been displaced from a housing unit in Oakland as a result of any of the following:


    City code enforcement activities, if the displacement has occurred within one year prior to the date of application.


    A City-sponsored or City-assisted development project, if the displacement has occurred within one year prior to the date of application.


    A "no fault" eviction from a rental unit in Oakland, if the eviction was completed eight (8) years or less prior to the date of application. For purposes of this paragraph, a "no fault" eviction means an eviction that is evidenced by an eviction notice from the property owner that does not state cause and that gives the tenant thirty (30) days or longer notice to vacate the unit; a "no fault" eviction shall include, but not be limited to an eviction as a result of an owner move-in under Municipal Code Subsection 8.22.360.A.8. or 8.22.360.A.9., owner repairs under Municipal Code Subsection 8.22.360.A.10., or owner removal of the unit from the rental market under Municipal Code Subsection 8.22.360.A.11. or Municipal Code Chapter 8.22, Article III, but shall not be limited only to evictions from units that are covered by any of the above laws. This preference shall apply to the initial rental or sale of a project unit and any subsequent rental or sale of a unit during the applicable affordability period established by the City.


    Second preference: to neighborhood residents. For purposes of this Section, a "neighborhood resident" means a household with at least one adult member whose principal place of residence on the date of application is either within the Council District where the project is located or within a one mile radius of said project. This preference shall apply to thirty percent (30%) of all units in the project. This preference shall apply only to the initial rental or sale of a project unit after the City's development assistance has been given to the project.


    Third preference: to Oakland residents and Oakland workers. For purposes of this Section, an "Oakland resident" means a household with at least one adult member whose principal place of residence on the date of application is within the City of Oakland. An "Oakland worker" means a household with at least one adult member who is employed by an employer located within the City of Oakland, owns a business located within the City of Oakland, or participates in an education or job training program located within the City of Oakland. This preference shall apply to the initial rental or sale of a project unit and any subsequent rental or sale of a unit during the applicable affordability period established by the City.

(Ord. No. 13379, § 2, 7-19-2016)