§ 15.68.040. Requirements.  

Latest version.
  • The regulations, requirements and provisions of this Chapter shall apply to any office development project and any warehouse/distribution development project. The applicant for any such development project, as a condition of its building permit, must pay to the city those impact fees, or must provide to the city those housing production mitigation measures in lieu of such impact fees, necessary to eliminate, mitigate, or reduce to an acceptable level those impacts on and increased demand for affordable housing which are anticipated to be generated by or attributable to such development project, as such impact fees and in-lieu housing production mitigation measures are set forth in this Chapter.

    Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed as waiving, reducing, or modifying any other requirements for issuance of any permit, variance, approval or other entitlement by the city under any other law.

    The impact fees and in-lieu housing production mitigation measures authorized by this Chapter are in addition to any other fees or mitigation measures otherwise authorized by law.

(Ord. 12442 § 2 (part), 2002)