§ 16.20.060. Preliminary soil report required—Waiver.  

Latest version.
  • Prior to the submission of the final subdivision map, the subdivider shall file with the City Engineer a preliminary soil report, prepared by a civil engineer who is registered by the state of California, based on such examination, borings, excavations and tests, as may be necessary, of every subdivision, as defined in Section 16.04.030. This report shall specify what measures are necessary so that any proposed grading will result in slopes that are, in accordance with good engineering practices, reasonably stable against sliding and excessive erosion. The reports all state whether critically expansive soils are present, and shall indicate any other characteristics of the soil which may created hazards or problems, and recommend what measures are necessary to avoid these hazards or problems. The preliminary soil report may be waived if the Building Inspector and City Engineer shall each determine that, due to his or her knowledge as to the soil qualities of the subdivision site and the amount of grading work involved no preliminary analysis is necessary.

(Ord. 11924 § 4, 1996: prior code § 7-4.361)