§ 16.20.100. Construction of improvements.  

Latest version.
  • No final map shall be presented to the Council of the city by the City Engineer for approval until the subdivider either completes the required improvements, or enters into a contract with the city agreeing to do such work, and files with the City Clerk of the city a surety bond approved by the City Attorney in such an amount as the City Engineer shall estimate and determine to be necessary to complete all the improvements required to be done by the subdivider, which surety bond shall be executed by the subdivider as principal, and a corporation authorized to so act under the laws of the state of California, as surety, the same to be payable to the city and to be conditioned upon the faithful performance of any and all work required to be done by the subdivider, and said bond shall be further conditioned to the effect that should the subdivider fail to complete all work required to be done by him or her within a specified reasonable time the city may, at its option, cause all uncompleted required work to be done and the parties executing the bond shall be firmly bound for the payment of all necessary costs therefor; or in lieu of a surety bond the subdivider may post security as provided in Section 20 of the Subdivision Map Act.

(Ord. 11924 § 5, 1996: prior code § 7-4.39)