§ 16.24.020. Parcel map—Waiver of requirement.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The Advisory Agency may waive the requirement for a parcel map for those divisions of real property listed in subsection (B)(1) of this section upon the finding that the division complies with requirements as to area, improvements and design, flood and water drainage control, appropriate improved public roads, sanitary disposal facilities, water supply availability, environmental protection and other requirements of this title, and upon the finding that the Subdivision Map Act of the state of California does not prohibit such waiver.


    As provided in subsection A of this section:


    The requirement for a parcel map may be waived when the division of land:


    Is caused by a conveyance of the whole, or part thereof, to or from a governmental agency, public entity, or public utility; or


    Results from the realignment, conveyance, creation or termination of an easement for pedestrian or vehicular traffic, sanitary sewer or storm drainage, or other public purpose; or


    Is an adjustment of an existing lot line which does not create a new lot and imposes no substantial adverse effect upon surrounding properties or access to a street.


    The requirement for the filing of a tentative parcel map as specified in Section 16.24.070, may be waived when the division of land has been approved under the private access easement provision in Chapter 16.32, but in this case the requirements of Sections 16.24.100, 16.24.110, 16.24.120 and 16.04.090 may not be waived.

(Prior code §§ 7-5.02, 7-5.03)