§ 16.24.110. Parcel map filing and map check.  

Latest version.
  • Two prints of a parcel map prepared in conformance with Section 16.24.100 shall be filed with the City Engineer within two years from the date of approval of the tentative parcel map. Upon application of the subdivider filed prior to the expiration of the approved tentative parcel map, the time at which such map expires may be extended by the Advisory Agency for a period or periods not exceeding a maximum of three additional years beyond the original expiration date. Failure to file a parcel map within these time limits shall nullify the previous approval or conditional approval of the tentative parcel map.

    Within twenty (20) days after receiving the parcel map prints or within such additional time as may be reasonably necessary, the City Engineer shall examine it for the survey information shown thereon and for substantial conformance with the approved tentative parcel map. If he or she is satisfied that it is technically correct and in conformance, he shall notify the divider that a transparency of the parcel map may be submitted, and the City Engineer shall sign the appropriate certificate thereon.

    The map shall be filed with the Alameda County Recorder. The divider shall promptly thereafter furnish the City Engineer with the following copies for permanent files: One mylar duplicate tracing and one paper print.

(Prior code § 7-5.13)