§ 16.36.020. Notice of intention to convert.  

Latest version.
  • At least sixty (60) days prior to filing a tentative map or tentative parcel map for a conversion, the subdivider shall provide all tenants of the building to be converted, individually and in writing, with the following notice:

    To the occupant(s) of


    The owner(s) of this building, at (address), plan(s) to file an application for a (tentative map or tentative parcel map) with the city to convert this building to a (condominium, community apartment or stock cooperative project). You shall be given notice of each hearing for which notice is required pursuant to Sections 66451.3 and 66452.5 of the Government Code, and you have the right to appear and the right to be heard at any such hearing.

    (signature of owner or owner's agent)


    Accompanying this notice will be written information describing, in general, what steps and actions the subdivider and others, including governmental agencies, will or must take in order for the building to be converted. It will include information on how the tenant will be involved, informed, and assessed at each step in the process and on what rights the tenant has, whether mandated by state or local government or whether provided voluntarily by the subdivider. It will also include the date on which the subdivider will most likely file the tentative map or tentative parcel map as well as the approximate date on which the subdivider expects the final subdivision public report, if any, to be issued.

    Also accompanying this notice will be the notice of tenant rights and the subdivider's preliminary tenant assistance program, both as set forth in Section 16.36.050, and the information concerning tenant notifications as set forth in Section 16.36.040.

    All persons who subsequently become tenants shall also be provided with the above notices.

    For each application, all documents referred to in this section shall be approved by the Director of City Planning as to form, correctness, and completeness.

    The written notice to tenants required by this section shall be deemed satisfied if it complies with the legal requirements for service by mail.

(Prior code § 7-7.02)