§ 16.36.040. Tenant notifications.  

Latest version.
  • Each tenant shall be given a notice containing the information as set forth below:


    The city shall provide tenants with the following notices:


    Each tenant will be given at least ten days' prior written notice of the date, time and place of any public hearing held by the Advisory Agency on the tentative map or tentative parcel map. Such notice shall also advise tenants of their right to appear and be heard.


    Each tenant will receive a copy of any city report or recommendation concerning tentative map or tentative parcel map at least three days prior to any meeting for which the map appears on the agenda.


    Each tenant will be given at least three days' prior written notice of the date, time and place of a hearing held to consider an appeal from an action of the Advisory Agency. Such notice shall also advise tenants of their right to appear and be heard.

    Subdivider shall provide the city with a sufficient number of stamped envelopes addressed to tenants to allow the city to carry out the above responsibilities, such number to be determined by the Director of City Planning.


    In addition to the notice of intention to convert as set forth in Section 16.36.020 and the notice to prospective tenants as set forth in Section 16.36.030, the subdivider shall also be responsible for the following:


    Each tenant will be given at least five days' prior written notice of the date, time and place of any meeting held on the tentative map or tentative parcel map other than those set forth in subsections (A)(1) and (A)(3) of this section.


    Each tenant will be notified individually and in writing of any action taken on the tentative map or tentative parcel map by the Advisory Agency, City Planning Commission, or City Council within two days of such action being taken.


    Each tenant will be given written notification within ten days of approval of a final map or a parcel map.


    Each tenant in buildings with five or more units will be given at least ten days' prior written notice that an application for a subdivision public report will be submitted to the California Department of Real Estate. Such notice shall also state that tenants will be notified within five days of subdivider's receipt of the final subdivision public report and that copies will be available upon request; it will also state subdivider's estimate of when the report will be issued.


    Each tenant in buildings with five or more units will be given written notification within five days of subdivider's receipt of the final subdivision public report. If the conversion involves four or less units, in which case no public report is issued, each tenant will be given ten days' prior written notice of the start of subdivider's sales program.

    The Director of City Planning shall be given a copy of all of the above notices at the same time as the tenants receive them. The written notices required by this section shall be deemed satisfied if they comply with the legal requirements for service by mail.

(Prior code § 7-7.04)