§ 16.36.050. Tenant rights and the preliminary tenant assistance program.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    With regard to any conversion as defined in Section 16.36.010, each tenant shall have the following minimum rights which shall be set forth in a notice of tenant rights.


    After receipt of this notice, each tenant will be entitled to terminate his or her lease or rental agreement without any penalty upon notifying the subdivider in writing thirty (30) days in advance of such termination; provided, however, that this requirement shall cease upon notice to the tenant of the abandonment of subdivider's efforts to convert the building.


    No tenant's rent will be increased from the date of issuance of this notice until at least twelve (12) months after the date subdivider files the tentative map or tentative parcel map with the city; provided, however, that this requirement shall cease upon abandonment of subdivider's efforts to convert the building.


    No remodeling of the interior of tenant-occupied units shall begin until at least thirty (30) days after issuance of the final subdivision public report or, if one is not issued, after the start of subdivider's sales program. (For purposes of this chapter, the start of subdivider's sales program shall be defined as the start of tenants' ninety (90) days first-right-of-refusal period set forth below.)


    Each tenant shall have an exclusive right to contract for the purchase of his or her unit or, at the tenant's option, any other available unit in the building upon the same or more favorable terms and conditions that such units will be initially offered to the general public, such right to run for at least ninety (90) days from the issuance of the final subdivision public report or, if one is not issued, from the start of subdivider's sales program.


    Each tenant shall have a right of occupancy of at least one hundred eighty (180) days from the issuance of the final subdivision public report or, if one is not issued, from the start of subdivider's sales program, prior to termination of tenancy due to conversion.


    Tenants in units containing a tenant sixty-two (62) years or older shall be provided a lifetime lease on their unit or, at tenant's option, on any other available unit in the building. Such leases, to commence no later than the date of issuance of the final subdivision public report, or, if one is not issued, no later than the start of subdivider's sales program, shall be subject to the following conditions:


    Tenants shall have the option of cancelling the lease at any time upon thirty (30) days' written notice to the owner.


    Tenants cannot be evicted except for just cause.


    Right of occupancy shall be nontransferable.


    The first year's base monthly rent for the unit shall be set at no more than the rent existing on the unit one year prior to the filing of the tentative map or tentative parcel map increased by no more than seventy-five (75) percent of the percentage increase in the residential rent component of the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers in the San Francisco-Oakland Metropolitan Area (Bay Area Rental CPI) from the date one year prior to the filing of the tentative map or tentative parcel map to the effective date of the lifetime lease.


    Subsequent rent adjustments, if any, may be made no sooner than one year from the effective date of the lifetime lease, shall be limited to no more than one per year, and the percentage increase in the Bay Area Rental CPI for the most recent twelve (12) month period.


    Notwithstanding the above, no rent increase shall exceed any rent increase guidelines adopted by the city.


    Except as provided hereinabove, terms and conditions of the lifetime lease shall be the same as those contained in tenant's current lease or rental agreement.

    The preliminary tenant assistance program, as set forth in subsection B of this section, shall make provision for the above minimum rights on the terms set forth above or on terms more favorable to the tenant.


    The subdivider's preliminary tenant assistance Program (PTAP) shall consist of at least two parts: efforts to minimize tenant displacement, and tenant relocation assistance.


    In the first part of the PTAP, subdivider shall describe those incentives and inducements that would increase the potential for, and ability of, tenants to become owners in the conversion. Subdivider shall also include actions and procedures to enable hard-to-relocate tenants to remain as tenants.


    The second part of the PTAP shall include all relocation and moving assistance and information to be provided to each tenant and all steps the subdivider will take to ensure the successful relocation of each tenant in the event that conversion takes place and the tenant chooses not to purchase a unit or remain as a tenant.


    Tenants who resided in the unit prior to the filing of the tentative map or tentative parcel map and who vacate for Code Compliance repairs shall be paid relocation payments at no less than the amounts pursuant to O.M.C. Chapter 15.60.


    Tenants who resided in the unit prior to the filing of the tentative map or tentative parcel map and vacate for any other reason, unless evicted for Tenant fault, shall be paid relocation payments at not less than the amounts pursuant to O.M.C. Section 8.22.820. The Owner shall make the payment directly to an eligible Tenant Household no later than ten (10) days before the expected vacation date. If less than ten (10) days' advance notice of vacation is given, then the payment by the Owner to the Tenant Household is due no later than the actual time of vacation.


    For the purpose of this paragraph, the Tenant is not evicted for Tenant fault if (1) the Tenant vacates within one hundred twenty (120) days after the effective date of a rent increase notice of more than ten (10) percent; and (2) the rent increase notice is issued within one (1) year after the issuance of the final subdivision public report on the conversion of a building with five (5) or more units or the start of the sales program in a building of four (4) units or less.


    A Tenant who is also eligible for relocation assistance under Section 16.36.030 must elect for either relocation payments under this Section or Section 16.36.030, and may not receive relocation payments under both.

    In both parts of the PTAP, subdivider shall give particular attention to specific steps that will be taken to assist the elderly, disabled, and other tenants who may encounter difficulty in finding new quarters.

(Prior code § 7-7.05; Ord. 13468, § 5, 1-16-2018)