§ 16.36.070. Action on the tentative map or tentative parcel map.  

Latest version.
  • Action by the Advisory Agency shall be governed, in addition to that set forth in Section 16.08.030, by the following:


    The Advisory Agency shall deny approval of a tentative map for the conversion of five or more housing units unless it finds that every converted unit will be replaced with a rental unit added to the City's housing supply. Such replacement, if made in accordance with provisions of this chapter, shall be found to avoid the negative impact the conversion would otherwise have had on the City's rental housing supply. Accordingly, a conversion of five or more housing units shall be approved, subject to meeting all other requirements prescribed by state and city, if the subdivider agrees that, prior to final map approval, subdivider will, in a manner acceptable to the Advisory Agency, demonstrate that subdivider owns "conversion rights" equal in number to the units proposed for conversion. "Conversion rights" are generated by projects which add housing units to the city's rental supply, and one conversion right is equivalent to one housing unit within such a project. Conversion rights may be generated by project(s) either undertaken by the subdivider or by others from whom subdivider has obtained or acquired such "rights" in a legally binding manner. No conversion rights shall be generated by project(s) which are intended to become the property of the Oakland Housing Authority. Subdivider shall provide the Advisory Agency with information concerning the intended location and type of rental units that will generate the conversion rights of which subdivider intends to demonstrate ownership.


    Project(s) generating conversion rights may involve new rental construction, increasing the number of units in an existing residential rental building, or converting a nonresidential building to residential rental units.


    Conversion rights may also be generated by bringing back into the supply, through major rehabilitation, a residential rental building that has been vacant for at least one year prior to commencement of work on the rehabilitation project. The conversion rights so generated can be applied to the conversion of the building being rehabilitated. Anyone attempting to generate conversion rights by rehabilitating a vacant residential rental building must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director of City Planning that the building was indeed vacant for at least one year, that the work did indeed involve major rehabilitation, and that the building was not vacated for the purpose of generating conversion rights. For purposes of this chapter, rehabilitation shall be deemed "major" if it equals twenty (20) percent of the total value of the building after rehabilitation.


    Conversion rights may also be generated by the construction of a condominium, community apartment, or stock cooperative project if the owner of such project, for which final map approval has been obtained, makes an agreement in writing with the city that for a period of not less than seven years, the owner will offer the units in the project to the public as conventional rental units subject to a lease that shall contain no commitment for later purchase of the unit, the form of said lease to be approved by the Director of City Planning. Subsequent sale of any unit prior to the expiration of the seven-year rental period shall be subject to the same terms and conditions stated in said written agreement.


    Tentative map approval of the conversion must take place no later than seven years from the issuance of a certificate of occupancy on the project(s) generating the conversion rights. Project(s) for which building permits were issued prior to March 18, 1980 cannot generate conversion rights.


    No units in the building approved for conversion shall be sold until a certificate of occupancy has been issued by the City Building Official on the project(s) generating the conversion rights. For buildings of five or more units, subdivider shall request the California Department of Real Estate in writing to not issue the final subdivision public report until said Department has received written notification by the subdivider to issue said report. Said notification must include written approval from the Director of City Planning, which approval shall not be given until all necessary certificates of occupancy have been issued.


    Notwithstanding the above, the Advisory Agency shall deny approval of a tentative map or tentative parcel map if it finds that the conversion is proposed to take place in the "conversion impact area," an area of the city whose rental housing supply has been negatively impacted by previous conversions. The conversion impact area shall contain two sections: the primary section consisting of Census Tracts 4034, 4035, 4036, 4037, 4039, 4040, and 4041; and the secondary section consisting of Census Tracts 4038, 4042, 4043, 4052, and 4053.


    A conversion which would otherwise be denied due to its location within the conversion impact area shall be approved, subject to meeting all other requirements prescribed by state and city, if the subdivider agrees to replace (using the conversion rights method described above) each converted unit with a rental unit according to the following: For conversions to take place in the primary section of the conversion impact area, conversion rights must be generated within the primary section; for conversions to take place in the secondary section, conversion rights must be generated within the conversion impact area.


    Notwithstanding other provisions of this section, the Advisory Agency shall deny approval of a tentative map or tentative parcel map if it finds that the subdivider vacated units in the building proposed for conversion in order to avoid providing payments and other benefits to tenants as described in the tenant assistance program. It shall also deny approval if it finds that the subdivider's preliminary tenant assistance program, as set forth in Section 16.36.050, or any submission required by Section 16.36.020, 16.36.040 or 16.36.060 is unacceptable or otherwise inconsistent with the purpose of this title as it concerns the city's housing goals and policies.

(Prior code § 7-7.07)