§ 18.02.090. Compliance standards table effective until December 31, 2010.  

Latest version.
  • The criteria in the compliance standards table below applies 30 days after adoption of this Chapter and ends December 31, 2010. Note that where a "completed checklist" is required in this section that there is no requirement to become certified by Build it Green, U.S. Green Building Council, StopWaste.Org or any other non-governmental agency. Furthermore, compliance with this Section in no way enables the applicant to declare compliance with the associated programs of GreenPoint Rated, LEED or small commercial building. All buildings or projects must comply with all requirements of the 2008 California Building Energy Efficiency Standards (Title 24, Part 6) of the California Building Code.

    1. Residential New Construction
    A. One- and Two-Family Dwellings (Group R Occupancy)
    Checklists Minimum Requirements
    Required Completed checklist
      • Build It Green: Single Family GPR
      • LEED for Homes
    B. Multi-Family Dwellings (3+ units) (Group R Occupancy)
    Checklists Minimum Requirements
    Required Completed checklist
      • Build It Green: Multi-Family GPR
      • Build It Green: Single Family GPR, or
      • LEED New Construction
    2. Residential Additions and Alterations
    A. One- and Two-Family Additions and Alterations that exceed 1,000 sq. ft. of floor area (Group R Occupancy)
    Checklists Minimum Requirements
      • Build It Green: Existing Home GPR
      • Completed checklist (Elements Label)
      • Completed checklist (Whole House Label)
    3. Non-Residential New Construction
    A. Non-Residential projects between 5,000 to 10,000 sq. ft. of floor area
    Checklists Minimum Requirements
      • Small Commercial Checklist
    Completed checklist
    B. Non-Residential projects between 10,000 to 25,000 sq. ft. of total floor area
    Checklists Minimum Requirements
    Required Completed checklist (LEED and Small Commercial Checklist)
      • LEED New Construction, and
      • Small Commercial Checklist
      • Other appropriate LEED checklist, and
      • Small Commercial Checklist
    C. Non-Residential projects over 25,000 sq. ft. of total floor area
    Checklists Minimum Requirements
    Required Completed checklist
      • LEED New Construction
      • Other appropriate LEED checklist
    4. Non-Residential Additions and Alterations
    A. Non-Residential Additions and Alterations between 5,000—25,000 sq. ft. of floor area
    Checklists Minimum Requirements
    Required Completed checklist
      • Small Commercial Checklist
    B. Non-Residential Additions and Alterations (see Major Alteration definition) over 25,000 sq. ft. of floor area
    Checklists Minimum Requirements
    Required Completed checklist
      • LEED New Construction
      • Other appropriate LEED checklist
    C. Non-Residential Additions and Alterations not meeting the Major Alteration definition and over 25,000 sq. ft. of floor area
    Checklists Minimum Requirements
    Required Completed checklist (LEED and Small Commercial Checklist)
      • LEED New Construction, and
      • Small Commercial Checklist
      • Other appropriate LEED checklist, and
      • Small Commercial Checklist
    5. Removal of a Historic Resource and New Construction
    A. New Construction projects resulting in removal of a Historic Resource
    Checklists Minimum Requirements
    Required for Residential Construction—One- and Two-Family (Group R Occupancy) Completed checklist
      • Build It Green: Single Family GPR
    Required for Residential Construction—Multi-Family (3+ units) (Group R Occupancy)
      • Build It Green: Multi-Family GPR
    Alternate for Residential Construction
      • LEED Homes
    Required for Non-Residential Construction (any square footage)
      • LEED New Construction
    Alternate for Non-Residential Construction (any square footage)
      • Other applicable LEED checklist
    6. Historic Residential Additions and Alterations
    A. One- and Two-Family Additions and Alterations of Historic Resources that exceed 1,000 sq. ft. of floor area
    Checklists Minimum Requirements
    Required Required
      • Build It Green: Existing Home GPR   • Completed checklist (Elements Label)
      • Completed checklist (Whole House Label)
    7. Historic Non-Residential Additions and Alterations
    A. Non-Residential Additions and Alterations of Historic Resources between 5,000—25,000 sq. ft. of floor area
    Checklists Minimum Requirements
    Required Completed checklist
      • Small Commercial Checklist
    B. Non-Residential Additions and Alterations of Historic Resources over 25,000 sq. ft. of floor area (see Major Alteration definition)
    Checklists Minimum Requirements
    Required Completed checklist
      • LEED New Construction
      • Other appropriate LEED checklist
    C. Alternate compliance: Non-Residential Additions and Alterations of Historic Resources not meeting the Major Alteration definition and over 25,000 sq. ft. of floor area
    Checklists Minimum Requirements
    Required Completed checklist (LEED and Small Commercial Checklist)
      • LEED New Construction, and
      • Small Commercial Checklist
      • Other appropriate LEED checklist, and
      • Small Commercial Checklist
    8. Affordable Housing Construction receiving City/Redevelopment Agency Funds
    A. One-, Two-, and Multi-Family New Construction
    Checklists Minimum Requirements
    Required for Residential Construction—One- and Two-Family (Group R Occupancy)   • Completed checklist
      • The minimum point requirement for certification
      • Green Building Certification
      • Build It Green: Single Family GPR
    Required for Residential Construction—Multi-Family (3+ units) (Group R Occupancy
      • Build It Green: Multi-Family GPR
      • LEED Homes, or
      • LEED New Construction
    B. One- and Two-Family Additions and Alterations that exceed 1,000 sq. ft. of floor area (Group R Occupancy)
    Checklists Minimum Requirements
    Required Required
      • Build It Green: Existing Home GPR   • Completed checklist (Elements Label)
      • Completed checklist (Whole House Label)
    9. Mixed-Use Construction
    A. Both residential and non-residential uses
    Checklists Minimum Requirements
    As determined by Planning Staff based on square footage of each use and which rating system and checklist is more appropriate Completed checklist
    B. Alternate compliance path: Certify each portion of the building separately per the appropriate GreenPoint Rated, LEED or StopWaste.Org checklist)
    Checklists Minimum Requirements
    As Determined by Planning Staff Completed checklist
    10. Construction Requiring a Landscape Plan
    A. Construction projects over 500 sq. ft. of total floor area requiring a Design Review permit and a Landscape Plan
    Checklists Minimum Requirements
    Required Completed checklist
      • Bay-Friendly Basic Landscape Checklist
      • Bay-Friendly Scorecard for Home Landscapes, or
      • Bay-Friendly Scorecard for Commercial and Civic Landscapes


(Ord. No. 13040, § 4, 10-19-2010)