§ 1.08.050. Notification.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Whenever civil penalties are administratively assessed, a notification of the abatement action shall be served upon the responsible person and, as applicable, to any other party revealed by public records to have record title or similar legal interest in the property. Such notification may be served in conjunction with notification of other actions by the City to abate the violation.


    The assessment notice shall be served by one or more of the following methods:


    Personal delivery with acknowledged receipt;


    Certified mail with return receipt requested to the last known mailing address; or


    Constructive public notification, including but not limited to the following:


    Publication in a newspaper of general circulation, or


    Filing of an affidavit with the Office of the City Clerk certifying to the time and manner in which such notification was sent by regular mail, or


    Conspicuous posting on or in the vicinity of the property.


    Failure to serve such person(s) or failure of such person(s) to receive timely notification shall not affect in any manner the validity of any abatement actions taken or procedures conducted as established in this Chapter.


    The assessment notice shall minimally identify the following factors:


    The provisions of the code or ordinance violated and the descriptive nature of the major violations;


    The locations of the major violations and the dates of occurrence;


    The remedial actions required to correct the violations wholly and permanently and the time constraints for commencing and completing the corrections;


    The dollar amount and rate of recurrence and duration of civil penalties;


    The dates when civil penalties will begin to accrue and will cease;


    The criteria used in determining the amount and rate of recurrence and duration of civil penalties;


    Other consequences, as applicable, should the violations not be wholly and permanently corrected in accordance with the terms and conditions and time constraints identified; and


    The procedures for obtaining an administrative hearing regarding the assessment of civil penalties.

(Ord. 12550 § 1 (part), 2003: Ord. 11805 § 1 (part), 1995: prior code § 1-6.05)