§ 2.04.010. Definitions.  

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  • The following words and phrases whenever used in this article shall be construed as defined in this section:

    "Apprentice" is defined as that term is defined in the Oakland Municipal Code.

    "Appropriation Resolution" is defined as a City of Oakland resolution approved by the City Council that includes:


    A description of the material or service to be obtained under contract;


    A not-to-exceed contract amount for the material or service;


    Identification of the funding source for the material or service;


    An estimated time frame for execution and completion of the contract; and


    A statement identifying the contract-related program or project as "new" or "previously existing."

    "Advertisement" as required in Subsection 2.04.050.A, below, means a written public notice published or placed in the City's official paper of record, iSupplier, the City's official website describing the specifics of a product or service needed, City's contracting requirements, estimated value of service, terms, deadlines and other pertinent information. This definition shall not apply to "informal bid" or request for proposal/qualifications processes described in Sections 2.04.040 and 2.04.051, below.

    "City Administrator" means the City Administrator of the City of Oakland or an officer specifically designated to act for the City Administrator. Authorizations not specified in this article shall be made in writing by the City Administrator and filed with the City Clerk.

    "Disadvantaged business enterprise (DBE)" is defined as that term is defined in the Oakland Municipal Code.

    "Emergency Purchase" means a purchase deemed by the City Administrator to be necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety as described in Subsections 2.04.020.G. and H., below.

    "Formal bidding, solicitation or proposals/qualifications" means the competitive processes (advertising and bidding or solicitation) required in Sections 2.04.050 (supplies, services or combination) and 2.04.051 (professional services), for the purchase of supplies, services or combination in excess of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00), or for the purchase of professional services in excess of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00)

    "Informal bidding, solicitation or proposals/qualifications" means the competitive processes (advertising and bidding or solicitation) required by the City Administrator in a City administrative instruction for the purchase of supplies, services or combination up to and including fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00), or for the purchase of professional services up to and including fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00). Solicitation of three (3) quotes or responses (required from local-certified businesses, first) shall be the minimum number of businesses solicited.

    "Local business enterprise" and "small business enterprise" means a for profit or not for profit entity certified by the Office of the City Administrator as a "local business enterprise" with fixed office or distribution point(s) located within the geographic boundaries of Oakland and as otherwise defined under Oakland's LBE/SLBE construction, procurement and professional services contracting programs.

    "Local hire" is defined as that term is defined in the Oakland Municipal Code.

    "Oakland Certified" means a local business or nonprofit entity of any size that the Office of the City Administrator has deemed, through the local business certification process, to be an Oakland certified business/entity for the purposes of City of Oakland procurement of goods and services, including professional services.

    "Pay-go funds" are the annual appropriations to the Mayor and each Councilmember to pay for discretionary projects.

    "Prevailing wages" is defined as that term is defined in the Oakland Municipal Code.

    "Professional services" means services which are of an advisory nature that provide a recommended course of action or personal expertise that will result in a transmittal of information to the City, either verbal or written, related to City administration and management or program management, innovation and which must be performed by appropriately licensed consultants, architectural or engineering personnel, or which are so technical or complex in nature that such services must be performed by persons possessing unique or special training, education or skills. Not withstanding the above, this definition shall not include contracts for services between the City and another public entity.

    "Purchase" means and includes rental or lease of supplies, as well as purchase.

    "Services" means and includes labor, professional services, consulting services, or a combination of services and supplies which shall include public works projects.

    "Supplies" means and includes supplies, materials, commodities and equipment.

(Ord. No. 13380, § 1, 7-19-2016; Ord. 12703 § 1, 2005: Ord. 12634 § 2 (part), 2004: Ord. 12388 § 2, 2001; Ord. 9739 § 1, 1979; Ord. 7937 § 1, 1969)