§ 2.04.120. Surplus supplies and equipment—Disposal or destruction.  

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  • A.

    Authority of Purchasing Supervisor. All using departments shall submit to the Purchasing Supervisor, at such times and in such form as Purchasing Supervisor shall prescribe, reports showing all supplies that are no longer used or that have become obsolete or worn out. The Purchasing Supervisor shall have authority to sell at public auction after advertising for one day in the official newspaper of City all supplies that cannot be used by any department or that have become unsuitable for City use, or to exchange or trade in the same for new supplies. However, the sales of such supplies may be made to other public bodies at the fair market value.


    Authority of City Administrator. Except as otherwise prohibited by law, the City Administrator may authorize the abandonment, destruction or donation to public bodies, charitable, civic or nonprofit organizations, of City property which has no commercial value or of which the estimated cost of continued care, handling, maintenance or storage would exceed the estimated proceeds of sale. Such determination shall be made in writing and countersigned by the Director of Finance and Management and City Administrator.


    Donation of Property. Except as otherwise prohibited by law, the donation to public bodies, charitable or nonprofit civic organizations, of surplus supplies or any other surplus property owned by the City (excluding real property) that has a value exceeding its continued care, handling, maintenance or storage, may be authorized only by resolution or ordinance of the City Council upon a finding by the City Council that such property is surplus to City needs and that the donation is in the best interests of the City.


    Sale of Property. Sale by means other than public auction of surplus supplies or any other surplus property owned by the City (excluding real property) may be authorized only by resolution or ordinance of this City Council upon a finding by the City Council that such sale is in the best interests of the City. However, such sales shall be authorized only at or above the fair market value of the property as determined by the City Administrator.


    Accession/Deaccession of Listed holdings of the Oakland Museum of California Owned by the City of Oakland Governed by Chapter 2.05. The procedures and requirements set forth in this Section shall not apply to the acquisition, sale, auction, trade, transfer, destruction or other disposition of City of Oakland personal property, such as art works, historical artifacts, photographs and natural science specimens, including all listed holdings of the Oakland Museum of California, that are owned by the City of Oakland and held in trust for the public. All such transactions involving said property shall be governed by Oakland Municipal Code, Chapter 2.05.

(Ord. 13462, § 1, 11-28-2017; Ord. No. 13380, § 1, 7-19-2016; Ord. 12634 § 1 (part), 2004: Ord. 10066 § 2 (part), 1981; Ord. 9739 § 6, 1979; Ord. 8611 §§ 1, 2, 1972; Ord. 7937 § 12, 1969)