§ 2.06.010. Definitions.  

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  • The following definitions apply to this chapter:

    "City" as used in this chapter, means the City of Oakland as a municipal organization, city agencies or departments or city officials authorized by the City Council or City Administrator to enter into purchase contracts or grant agreements on behalf of the City of Oakland when acting in his/her official capacity.

    "Claim" means a bill, invdice or written request for payment provided by the vendor. Written request includes "contract" as defined below.

    "Claimant" means a Local Prime Contractor, Subcontractor or grant recepient that files a claim with the city for overdue payment or disbursal of funds and associated interest penalties.

    "Contractor" as used in this chapter means a Local Prime Contractor, Subcontractor, or grant recipient.

    "Disputed invoice" means an improperly executed invoice, any invoice that contains errors or requires additional evidence of its validity, or any invoice that contains expenditures or proposed expenditures that are ineligible or that do not otherwise comply with reimbursement or disbursal requirements of the grant funding source. If an invoice is "disputed", the payment/disbursal shall not be subject to late penalties until the dispute is resolved.

    "Goods" means products, goods, materials, equipment or other tangible items rendered pursuant to a purchase contract.

    "Grant agreement" means any enforceable City of Oakland agreement executed expressly to provide grant funding to any nonprofit or for profit entity or individual to support the grant recipient's provision of services to members of the public or the community at large, whether the original source of such funding is the City or some other source. Notwithstanding the above, "grant agreement" as used in this chapter shall not include loan agreements, or agreements to provide support for the purchase, improvement, or development of real property. Grant agreements must be approved and executed in accordance with all applicable contracting requirements of the City of Oakland. Claimants shall not be entitled to relief hereunder, for payment delays that occur prior to the proper execution of a grant agreement.

    "Grant recipient" means a for-profit or nonprofit entity or individual that is awarded grant funding pursuant to a grant agreement approved by the City Council.

    "Invoice" means a bill or claim that requests payment for goods and/or services rendered to the municipal organization pursuant to a city purchase contract by a Local Prime Contractor or by a Subcontractor, or bill or claim that requests disbursal of grant funds for services, art or other products, goods and materials rendered to residents, businesses and other third parties pursuant to a grant agreement or by any grant recipient.

    "Local Business" as used in this chapter and in accord with the City of Oakland Local and Small Local Business Enterprise Program means a for-profit or nonprofit business, including but not limited to local artists: (a) with a substantial presence in the City of Oakland's geographic boundaries, (b) with a full operation conducting business for at least twelve (12) consecutive months in the City of Oakland, (c) with a valid City of Oakland business tax certificate or exemption from City of Oakland business tax, and (d) that is an independent business headquartered in Oakland. Individuals contracted for services to the municipal organization have to be businesses to establish they are Local Businesses.

    "Local Prime Contractor" means a "Local Business" as defined above that is in direct or in privity of contract with the City of Oakland.

    "Managers and operators" means a non-profit or for-profit business that is contracted by the City of Oakland to operate and/or manage city programs, programs open to the public on City of Oakland property, city facilities or concession businesses on City of Oakland property.

    "Purchase contract" as used in this chapter means any enforceable City of Oakland agreement executed expressly for the purchase, lease or rental of goods and/or services, including purchase orders, sub-purchase orders, delegated purchase orders, service agreements or subcontracts. Purchase contracts must be approved and executed in accordance with all purchasing requirements of the City of Oakland. Claimants shall not be entitled to relief, hereunder, for payment delays that occur prior to the proper execution of a purchase contract.

    "Services" means any and all services rendered pursuant to a purchase contract or grant agreement including, but not limited to, professional, scientific or technical services benefitting the municipal organization, and services benefiting members of the public, or the creation or development of cultural or artistic work.

    "Subcontractor" means a subcontractor, supplier, vendor, sub-grantee or any business or organization, other than the prime contractor, that delivers goods and/or services in connection with a purchase contract or grant agreement.

    "Undisputed invoice" means an invoice properly executed by the claimant for goods and/or services rendered in connection with a purchase contract or grant agreement for which additional evidence is not required to determine its validity. Undisputed invoices include:


    A once disputed invoice which has been corrected or for which additional evidence of its validity has been provided and received by the city, the prime contractor or subcontractor or grant recipient responsible for issuing payment.


    An improper invoice whether goods and/or services have been received by the city, the prime contractor or subcontractor responsible for issuing payment, but the city, the prime contractor or subcontractor or grant recipient responsible for issuing payment fails to notify the claimant that the invoice is improper within fifteen (15) working days of receipt of the invoice.

(Ord. No. 13269, § 1, 11-18-2014; Ord. 12857 § 1 (part), 2008)