§ 2.06.050. Subcontractor payment, retention, mobilization fees.  

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  • A.

    Prompt Payment. All Manager/Operators, city prime contractors and subcontractors and grant recipients shall pay their subcontractors for goods and/or services rendered in connection with a purchase contract or grant agreement within twenty (20) business days of receipt of the subcontractor's undisputed invoice. In the event an invoice is disputed, Manager/Operators, prime contractors and subcontractors and grant recipients shall notify the Liaison in writing within five (5) business days of receiving the disputed invoice that there is a bona fide dispute, in which case the prime contractor or subcontractor or grant recipient may withhold the disputed amount but shall pay the undisputed amount, provided that grant recipients may withhold the full amount if the grant funding source requires that the disputed expenditures be fully resolved prior to any disbursement of grant funds. The foregoing notwithstanding, this chapter shall not apply to grant payments/disbursals when the original funding source for the grant is eliminated, until and unless the city identifies and appropriates funds from an alternative source for the grant.


    If a subcontractor files a claim for all or a portion of a disputed invoice pursuant to Section 2.06.080 below, Manager/Operators or contractors or grant recipients shall be required to post with the city cash, a certified check, or a bond in an amount sufficient to cover the disputed amount and penalty. Upon the Liaison's determination that the invoice is valid, the cash, certified check or bond shall be released to the claimant. If the Liaison finds in favor of the contractor or grant recipient the cash, certified check or bond shall be returned to the contractor. If the Manager/Operator or contractor fails or refuses to post security, the Liaison may withhold lands from the next progress payment sufficient to cover the claim, or if the claim is made under a grant agreement from the next disbursal provided it is allowed by the grant funding source.


    Affidavit Reporting Subcontractor Payments. Contracts in which subcontracting is used shall require the prime contractor or subcontractor or grant recipient, within five (5) business days following receipt of a payment from the city, to file an affidavit, under penalty of perjury, that he or she has paid all subcontractors. The affidavit shall provide the names and address of all subcontractors and the amount paid to each.




    Manager/Operators, prime contractors and subcontractors and grant recipients shall not withhold any monies for project retention associated with the rendering of goods; and


    Manager/Operators, prime contractors and subcontractors and grant recipients shall release retention held for services in proportion to the percentage of subcontractor services for which payment is due and undisputed within five (5) business days of payment.


    The retention and release requirements in this subsection shall not apply to grant recipients to the extent they conflict with requirements of the grant recipients' grant funding source.

    Manager/Operators, prime contractors and sub-contractors and grant recipients shall file notice with the city within five (5) business days of release of retention.


    Mobilization Fee. Prime contractors and subcontractors and grant recipients shall pay subcontractors that will render goods and/or services their portion of mobilization fees within five (5) business days of being paid such fees. Prime contractors and subcontractors and grant recipients shall file notice with the city within five (5) business days of payment of mobilization fees to a subcontractor.


    Website Posting. Information regarding the city's retention release and payment of mobilization fees shall be posted on the city's website within five (5) business days of such payment or release. Information regarding Manager/Operators, prime contractor and subcontractor and grant recipient retention release and payment of mobilization fees, and affidavits reporting subcontractor payments shall be posted on the website within five (5) business days of the filing of such notices and affidavits with the city.

(Ord. No. 13269, § 1, 11-18-2014; Ord. 12857 § 1 (part), 2008)