§ 2.08.030. Civil Service Board.  

Latest version.
  • It shall be the function and duty of the Civil Service Board to enforce, through general supervision of the personnel system, the provisions of this chapter and of Article IX of the Charter; to study, investigate and research into such areas and matters as the City Administrator, or the Council through the City Administrator, or the Board of Port Commissioners, may request, or as it may deem advisable; to make reports and recommendations in writing thereon and to formulate policy recommendations or recommended changes to the Personnel Manual for the better realization of the objectives of the personnel system, as set forth in Section 900 of the Charter; to approve the exception of positions under Section 902(f) of the Charter; to perform the appellate duties and functions hereafter described; to review and approve changes to the Personnel Manual, excepting those which are administrative in nature, proposed by the City Administrator, provided that changes in which the Board does not concur may be made with the approval of Council; and to perform such other duties and functions as the City Administrator may for time to time request. The following special provisions shall apply to the Civil Service Board.


    Composition. The Board shall consist of seven members who will be appointed pursuant to Section 601 of the Charter and who shall serve without compensation. Two members shall be appointed for a term of one year, two for two years, and three for four years, said terms to commence upon the date of appointment. Thereafter, each appointment shall be for a term of four years, except that an appointment to fill a vacancy shall be for the unexpired term only.


    Vacancy. A vacancy in the Board will exist whenever a member dies, resigns, or is removed, or whenever an appointee fails to be confirmed by Section 601 of the Charter. Convictions of a felony, misconduct, incompetence, inattention to or inability to perform his duties, and unexcused absence from meetings pursuant to procedures adopted in accordance with Subsection D. below shall constitute cause for removal.


    Officers, Meetings. Each year at its first regular meeting in July, the Board shall elect a chairman and vice-chairman from amongst its members. The Board shall meet at least once each month in the City Hall, at an established time suitable for its purpose. Such meetings shall be designated regular meetings. Meetings called by the Mayor or City Administrator, and meetings scheduled for a time or place other than for regular meetings shall be designated special meetings. Written notices of special meetings shall be given to the Board members, the Council, the City Administrator, the Board of Port Commissioners, and the public press at least 24 hours before the meeting is convene.


    Procedures. The Board shall, in consultation with the City Administrator and with the approval of the Council establish procedures for the conduct of its meetings. The affirmative vote of four members shall be required for the adoption of any motion. The Board shall make its reports, findings and recommendations in writing unless otherwise requested. All reports, findings and recommendations shall be made to the City Administrator who shall forward those matters within the province of the Council, or the Board of Port Commissioners, as jurisdiction may be.


    Staffing. The City Administrator shall provide the Board with assistance from City employees under his/her jurisdiction. The provisions of Section 221 of the Charter shall apply to members of the Board.


    Appeals. An employee having permanent status in the competitive civil service shall have the right to appeal suspension, fine, demotion, or discharge for incompetence, misconduct, or failure to properly perform his/her duties or to observe department rules and standards provided that such appeal shall not involve considerations of the merits or necessity of any departmental practice, procedures, rules, regulations orders, standards or level of service. Any such appeal shall be governed by the following procedures provided that alternative procedures are not set forth in a memorandum of understanding approved by the City Council.


    As soon as practicable but within a maximum of 72 hours after making the order of suspension, fine, demotion or discharge, the appointing authority of his designated representative shall serve on the affected employee written notice which shall fairly apprise the employee of the reasons for such action, such notice to be served in accordance with the Personnel Manual.


    The employee who elects to appeal such disciplinary action shall file his/her appeal in writing, in the manner prescribed in the Personnel Manual, within ten calendar days of the date of such written notice. The appeal shall address each of the reasons for the disciplinary action enumerated in the written notice and may provide any relevant additional information. The appeal shall thereafter be heard according to the provisions of the Personnel Manual, pursuant to Section 2.08.040 of this chapter.


    Subject to the foregoing provisions, a supervisor may suspend any subordinate then under his/her direction for a period not to exceed one working day.


    As used in this chapter, the term "appointing authority" shall mean the City Administrator, or the City Attorney, or the City Auditor, or the Board of Port Commissioners, as the jurisdiction may be.

(Ord. No. 13120, § 1, 6-5-2012; Ord. 10793, 1986; Ord. 8979 § 3, 1974)