§ 2.08.050. Port Department.  

Latest version.
  • Consistent with Section 714 of the Charter of the City of Oakland, all employees of the Port Department, except for those specifically exempted by Charter, procedures established by the Charter, or action of the Civil Service Board, shall be included within the personnel (civil service) system of the City.

    Subject to the approval of the Civil Service Board, the Board of Port Commissioners is authorized to establish personnel rules and procedures to provide for the administration of such rules for employees of the Port Department. Any such rules and procedures shall be consistent with and subordinate to: (1) the City Charter, (2) this chapter, and (3) rules adopted by the Civil Service Board (Personnel Manual) (collectively, "City Civil Service Rules"). In the event of any conflict between the Port personnel rules and procedures and the City Civil Service Rules, the City Civil [Service] Rules shall control.

    Personnel rules and procedures promulgated by the Board of Port Commissioners shall not be effective until approved by the Civil Service Board. The Civil Service Board may approve such personnel rules and procedures at any public meeting, by simple majority vote finding that the rules and procedures are consistent with the City Civil Service Rules.

    The Board of Port Commissioners has no authority to create, modify, or eliminate any classification subject to the personnel system. However, it may propose that the Civil Service Board establish, modify, or eliminate any classification included within the personnel system of the City and utilized by the Port Department. The Civil Service Board retains the sole authority to establish, modify, or eliminate any classification within the personnel system of the City and to determine whether any classification (not specifically exempted by Charter) shall be exempt from the personnel system. However, to the extent permitted by law, classifications not included in the "Common Classes" list in Appendix B to the City's Personnel Manual shall remain in effect unless modified or eliminated by the Civil Service Board.

(Ord. No. 13120, § 1, 6-5-2012; Ord. 8979 § 5, 1974)