§ 2.12.160. Scope of debarment.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Debarment of a contractor or affiliate under this chapter constitutes debarment of all its specifically identified principals, individuals, divisions and other organizational elements from all contracts and covered and related transactions with the City, unless the debarment decision is limited by its terms to one or more principals, individuals, divisions or other organization elements or to specific types of transactions.


    As may be appropriate, the debarment action may include any affiliate of the participant that is specifically named and given notice of the proposed debarment and an opportunity to respond.


    The debarment of a contractor and its affiliates under this chapter may include the debarment of any other business that is, has been or will be controlled or owned by the contractor and its affiliates, or by any entity owned or controlled by a person or persons who own a controlling interest in a contractor and its affiliates, then or at the time the debarment was imposed.

(Ord. No. 12926, § 1, 5-5-2009)