§ 2.12.180. Debarment decision.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The debarment decision shall be made within 45 days after conclusion of the hearing, unless the Debarment Hearing Board extends this period for good cause.


    In debarment actions where any respondent fails to provide any submission in opposition by the time provided in Subsection 2.12.070 A., the Debarment Hearing Board may, in its discretion, decide against the respondent, and notice shall be provided by the City Administrator;


    Written findings of fact shall be prepared if requested by the parties. The Debarment Hearing Board shall base its decision on the facts as found, together with any information and argument submitted by the parties and any other information in the administrative record.


    If the Debarment Hearing Board decides to impose debarment, it shall forward its decision, in writing, to the City Administrator.


    The City Administrator shall, within 45 days of the close of the hearing, provide notice to the respondent which notice shall include, but not be limited to, the following:


    Reference to the notice of proposed debarment;


    Whether the Debarment Hearing Board determined that cause for debarment has been established;


    If the cause for debarment has been established:


    Specifying the reasons for debarment;


    Stating the period of debarment, including effective dates;


    Advising of the scope of the debarment;


    The time period in which the respondent may submit an appeal under this section.


    The notice to the respondent shall be in writing, signed by the City Administrator, and transmitted by certified mail, return receipt requested. The Office of the City Attorney will be consulted on all debarment actions prior to the notice being sent to the respondent.

(Ord. No. 12926, § 1, 5-5-2009)