§ 2.12.200. Effect of debarment.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Persons and contractors debarred are ineligible for City contracts and excluded from covered and related transactions as participants, principals, subcontractors or subconsultants for the period set forth in the City debarment order. Such persons or contractors shall be placed on the excluded contractor list. For the period of debarment, City shall not solicit or accept offers from or award contracts to such persons or contractors; nor shall City accept bids including debarred persons or contractors as subcontractors, or consider for award any proposal that identifies debarred persons or contractors as subcontractors, sub-consultants or team members. Persons and contractors debarred are also excluded from conducting business with the City as agents or affiliates of other persons or contractors. For purposes of this section, persons on the excluded contractor list are referred to as "listed persons."


    City will include notice to interested and solicited parties of the excluded contractor list in solicitations for bids and proposals.


    Persons and contractors debarred are excluded from acting as individual sureties to any person, contractor, principal or participant.


    Contracting officers shall review all bids and all proposals upon opening or receipt, whichever is applicable, for listed persons and shall reject bids that include listed persons, or notify persons submitting a proposal for professional services that include listed persons that such proposal cannot be considered for award unless listed persons are removed.


    Proposals, quotations, or offers received from any listed person shall not be evaluated for award nor shall discussions be conducted with a listed person during a period of ineligibility. If the period of ineligibility expires or is terminated after bid opening in response to a solicitation for bids or price quotations, or after the deadline for submission of proposals for professional services, the City shall not consider such bids, quotations, proposals or offers.


    Immediately prior to award, the contracting officer shall again review the excluded contractors list to ensure that no award is made to a person or contractor on such list.


    Persons who participate in City transactions during the period of their debarment will not be paid for goods and services provided and their contracts shall be deemed void.

(Ord. No. 12926, § 1, 5-5-2009)