§ 2.20.040. Conduct of meetings for additional bodies covered by the chapter.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    To the extent not inconsistent with state or federal law, a local body shall require, as a condition of any express delegation of power to any public agency, including joint powers authorities, or other person(s), whether such delegation of power is achieved by legislative act, contract, lease or other agreement, that any meeting by such a public agency or other person(s) at which an item concerning or subject to the delegated power is discussed or considered, shall be conducted pursuant to the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code Section 54950 et seq.).


    To the extent not inconsistent with state or federal law, a private entity that owns, operates or manages any property in which the city, Redevelopment Agency, or the Port Department has or will have an ownership interest, including a mortgage, and on which property the private entity performs a governmental function or service, shall conduct any meeting of its governing board at which an item relating to the administration of the property or the public function or service is discussed or considered subject to the following conditions:


    Such meetings need not be formally noticed, although the time, place and nature of the gathering shall be disclosed upon inquiry by a member of the public, and any agenda actually prepared for the meeting be made available upon request;


    Such meetings need not be conducted in any particular location to accommodate spectators, although spectators shall be permitted to observe on a space available basis consistent with legal and practical restrictions on occupancy;


    Such business meetings need not provide opportunities for comment by spectators, although the governing board may, in its discretion, entertain questions or comments from spectators as may be relevant to the item considered; and,


    The private entity or persons may restrict the attendance of spectators only to the specific item(s) directly relating to the administration of the property or of the public function or service and, as to such specific item(s), may prohibit the attendance of spectators during the discussion or consideration of any item that would be the permitted subject of a closed session hearing under the Ralph M. Brown Act.

(Ord. 12483 (part), 2003; Ord. 11957 § 00.4, 1997)