§ 2.20.060. Conduct of business: Time and place for meetings.  

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  • A.

    Every local body specified in Section 2.20.030(E) shall establish by formal action the time and place for holding regular meetings and shall conduct such regular meetings in accordance with such resolution or formal action. Whenever reasonably possible local bodies specified in Section 2.20.030(E)(1) and (2) shall conduct their regular meetings on weekday evenings.


    Regular and special meetings of legislative bodies specified in Section 2.20.030(E) shall be held within the city of Oakland except to do any of the following:


    Comply with state or federal law or court order, or attend a judicial or administrative proceeding to which the local body is a party;


    Inspect real or personal property which cannot be conveniently brought to Oakland, provided that the topic of the meeting is limited to items directly related to the real or personal property;


    Participate in meetings or discussions of multi-agency significance that are outside Oakland. However, any meeting or discussion held pursuant to this subsection shall take place within the jurisdiction of one of the participating agencies and be noticed by the respective local body specified in this chapter; or


    Meet outside the city of Oakland with elected or appointed officials of the United States or the State of California when a local meeting would be impractical, solely to discuss a legislative or regulatory issue affecting the city of Oakland, the Oakland Redevelopment Agency or the Port of Oakland, and over which issue the other federal or state agency has jurisdiction.


    If a regular meeting for any local body falls on a holiday, the meeting shall be held on the next scheduled regular meeting day unless otherwise noticed as a special meeting for which notice is given at least five days in advance.


    If, because of fire, flood, earthquake or other emergency, it would be unsafe to meet in the customary location, the meetings may be held for the duration of the emergency at some other place specified by the presiding officer of the local body or his or her designee. The change of meeting site shall be announced, by the most rapid means of communication available at the time, in a notice to media organizations who have requested written notice of meetings.


    No local body shall take any action at a meeting which occurs when a quorum of the local body becomes present at a meeting of a standing or ad hoc committee of the local body, although the committee may take action consistent with its jurisdiction and authority.

(Ord. 12483 (part), 2003; Ord. 12463 § 2, 2003; Ord. 11957 § 00.6, 1997)