§ 2.20.140. Barriers to attendance prohibited.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    No local body specified in this ordinance shall conduct any meeting, conference or other function in any facility which is inaccessible to persons with physical disabilities, or where members of the public may not be present without making a payment or purchase. Whenever a local body anticipates that the number of persons attending the meeting may exceed the legal capacity of the room, a public address system shall be used to permit the overflow audience to listen to the proceedings, unless the speakers would disrupt the operation of a local agency office.


    Any person attending an open meeting of a local body shall have the right to record, photograph or broadcast the proceedings unless such activities constitute a persistent disruption of the proceedings.

(Ord. 12483 (part), 2003; Ord. 11957 § 00.14, 1997)