§ 2.20.230. Immediate disclosure request.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Notwithstanding any other provision of law and subject to the requirements of this section, a written request to inspect or obtain copies of public records that is submitted to any department or agency or to any local body shall be satisfied no later than three business days unless the requestor is advised within three business days that additional time is needed to determine whether:


    The request seeks disclosable public records or information;


    The requested records are in the possession of the agency, department or local body;


    The requested records are stored in a location outside of the agency, department or local body processing the request;


    The requested records likely comprise a voluminous amount of separate and distinct writings;


    Reasonably involves another agency, department or other local or state agency that has a substantial subject matter interest in the requested records and which must be consulted in connection with the request; or,


    There is a need to compile data, to write programming language or a computer program or to construct a computer report to extract data.


    All determinations made pursuant to Section 2.20.230(A)(1)-(6) shall be communicated in writing to the requestor within seven days of the date of the request. In no event shall any disclosable records be provided for inspection or copying any later than fourteen (14) days after the written determination pursuant to 2.20.230(A)(1)-(6) is communicated to the requestor. Additional time shall not be permitted to delay a routine or readily answerable request. All written requests to inspect or copy documents within three business days must state the words "Immediate Disclosure Request" across the top of the first page of the request and on any envelope in which the request is transmitted. The written request shall also contain a telephone number, email or facsimile number whereby the requestor may be contacted. The provisions of Government Code Section 6253 shall apply to any written request that fails to state "Immediate Disclosure Request" and a number by which the requestor may be contacted.


    An Immediate Disclosure Request is applicable only to those public records which have been previously distributed to the public, such as past meeting agendas and agenda-related materials. All Immediate Disclosure Requests shall describe the records sought in focused and specific language so they can be readily identified.


    The person seeking the information need not state a reason for making the request or the use to which the information will be put.

(Ord. 12483 (part), 2003; Ord. 11957 § 00.24, 1997)